Ty has 4,798 toys and then gets 3,987 how many does he have now?
What is 8785
What is 108 divided by 12
What is 9
498 of 846 bottles get recycled how many do NOT get recycled
What is 348
If Miles has 15 cookies and he gives away fourteen then gets 12 more how many does he know?
What is 13
Is 128 prime?
What is no
9083 bottles get emptied in a month 4987 of them get trashed the rest get recycled how many get recycled?
What is 4096
If Lucas has 56 dollars and wants to give each of his 8 friends the same amount how much will each friend get?
What is 7
If two hundred thirty six toys are donated to charity and 157 are used how many are not used?
What is 79
Miles has 47 brownies to eat then gets 54 more after eating 5 how many does he have now?
What is 96
Is 72 prime
What is no
Jack has 8263 pieces of paper then gets 748 more how many does he have now?
What is 9011
What is 121 divided by 11
What is 11
What is 364 - 36 -37 -35
What is 256
Hunter has 67 books has read 56 of them then gets twelve more that he has not read how many has he not read?
What is 23
Is 89 composite?
What is yes
If mia has 45521 snow flakes and then adds 45521 more how many does she have now?
What is 91042
What is 1936 divided by 4
What is 484
What is 5621
Faron has read 4657 books in his life then reads 478 more then finds another that he also reads how many has he read now?
What is 5136
75 is composite true or false
What is true
900837 cans are recycled 9047 are beans the rest are orange how many are orange?
What is 891790
There are 1,965 students at a school they are taking a field trip there can be 393 students on each bus how many busses will they need?
What is 5
What is 62746 minus 62732 - 4
What is 10
25353 pieces of string are on a wall 4656 are taken away then 447 more are added how many are there now?
What is 20697
Is 173 prime or composite
What is prime