Logical Reasoning
Math Detective
Add and Subtract
Multiply and Divide
In the Right Place
Andy stacked four colors of blocks one on top of the other. Read the clues, and then name the colors of the blocks in order from top to bottom. Clues: -Red is between green and yellow -yellow is touching blue -blue is not at the bottom
blue, yellow, red, green
Three chickens lay six eggs in three days. How many eggs will six chickens lay in six days?
24 eggs
Kelly added the following three numbers together. What sum did she get? 606 + 707 + 808 =
Is the product of Problem A greater than, less than, or equal to the product of Problem B? A. 5.5 x 4.4 B. 55 x 0.44
Equal to....they both equal 24.2
In the number 708,436, which place is in the 0 in?
the ten thousands place
Suppose you pitch a tent in the woods. From your tent, you walk 200 yards north. Then you turn west and walk 75 yards. Then you turn south and walk 175 yards. Then you turn east and walk 75 yards. Are you north, south, east, or west of your tent? How many yards are you from your tent?
You are 25 yards north of your tent.
Cindy baked 48 cookies. She baked 6 more chocolate-chip cookies than peanut butter cookies. How many of each kind of cookie did Cindy bake?
27 chocolate-chip cookies, 21 peanut butter cookies
The pet store had a goldfish sale. The store had 753 goldfish in the morning. By the time the store closed, there were only 396 goldfish left. How many goldfish were sold that day?
357 goldfish
There are 280 people going to a concert by bus. If each bus holds 50 people, how many buses are needed?
6 buses
What is the value of the 7 in 17,046,359?
7 million
Kent, Lenny, and Maggie entered a collie, a beagle, and a dalmatian in a dog show. Find out what kind of dog each child owns and which prize each dog won. Clues: -Kent's dog did not win first prize -Maggie's dog is not a beagle -The collie won first prize -Lenny's dog won second prize -The dalmatian did not win third prize
Maggie-collie, first prize Lenny-dalmatian, second prize Kent-beagle, third prize
Michael was making fruit punch for the school fair. He used 3 quarts of ginger ale and 2 quarts each of several kinds of fruit juices. When he was done, he had 15 quarts of fruit punch. How many different kinds of fruit juice did Michael use?
6 kinds
What mystery number will make this equation true? 6.5 - 3.8 = __ - 5.4
Multiply the number of letters in the alphabet by the number of months in a year. What is the product?
26 x 12 = 312
Path and Kelly raced to a tree. Pat reached the tree in 10.258 seconds. Kelly reached the tree in 10.209 seconds. Who reached the tree first?
Bob the Baker baked some muffins in the morning. He sold half the muffins to Mrs. Lew. Then he sold half of what was left to Mr. Moore. Now Bob has 9 muffins left. How many muffins did Bob bake in the morning?
36 muffins
Mrs. Arnold's class is lined up to get on the school bus. The class is lined up in this pattern: boy, girl, boy, girl and so on. The first person in line is a boy named Trevor. Allison is the sixth girl in line. How many students are standing between Trevor and Allison?
10 students
Mr. Lee has $350.00. He gives $45.75 to each of his two daughters. How much money does Mr. Lee have left?
You need to store 2,304 marbles in 6 bags. You want to put the same number of marbles in each bag. How many marbles should you put in each bag?
384 marbles
Which digit tells you how many thousandths there are in 59.406?
You have some red marbles, some blue marbles, and some yellow marbles. You put 12 marbles in a bag and achieve the following: -The probability of picking a red marble is 1/6 -The probability of picking a blue marble is 1/2 -The probability of picking a yellow marble s 1/3 How many of each color mable is in the bag?
2 red marbles, 6 blue marbles, 4 yellow marbles
The sum of two numbers is 100. Their difference is 32. What are the two numbers?
34 and 66
Tracy started with the number 11,106 and subtracted 9. After that, she subtracted 99. Finally, she subtracted 999. What number was Tracy left with?
Jan is thinking of a number. When you multiply the number by 3, you get 612. What is the number?
What is the value of the 5 in 0.59?
5 tenths