If a number has an odd number of factors, it means it is a perfect one of these.
What is Square?
This has 4 equal sides and angles
A square
If the last digit of a number is even or zero, it is divisible by this
What is 2
John, Paul, and Ringo
Who is George?
This is who Anna currently likes
Who is Jackson?
If a number has 2 and 6 as a factor, then it also has this number as a factor
What is 3?
Has two sets of parallel lines and all right angles
What is a rectangle
If the last digit of a number is five or zero, it is divisible by this
What is 5
Matthew, Luke, and John
What is Mark?
Myla Howard played this character this morning
Who is Rudolph?
If a number has 2 AND ONLY 2 factors, it means it is this type of number
What is a prime number?
Two sets of parallel lines
What is a parallelogram?
If the last digit of a number is zero, it is divisible by this
What is 10
Joy, Sadness, Disgust, and Fear
What is Anger?
Any number multiplied by 0 equals this
What is Zero
Abbreviated GCF, this means the largest number shared as a factor by two or more numbers.
What is Greatest Common Factor?
Opposite sides are parallel and opposite angles are equal.
What is a Rhombus
If the sum of the digits is divisible by 3
What is 3?
Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, and Groot
Who is Rocket Raccoon
What Mr. Thurman says when people ask who if favorite student is
What is "Teachers don't have favorites, we love everyone the same"
Name all of the factors of 64.
What are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64
two pairs of adjacent sides that are equal in length.
What is a kite?
If the last three digits are divisible by 8, then it is divisible by this number
What is 8?
Detective, Taskmaster, Liar, and Defender
What is Sabotuer?
What is a hot dog?