Find the common factors of 2 and 4.
What is the trick for dividing by 10?
The number must end in 0.
What is the trick for dividing by 5?
The number must end in 0 or 5.
GCF of 12 and 36
What is the trick for dividing by 2?
It must end in an even number. (0, 2, 4, 6, 8)
GCF of 51 and 27.
Identify the following number as prime or composite. 57
57 is a composite number.
What is the trick for dividing by 4?
The last two digits must make a number that is divisible by 4.
GCF of 26 and 52
What is the trick for dividing by 6?
The number must be divisible by 3 AND 2. (all digits add up to equal a number divisible by 3 AND ends in an even number).