50 X 100
What is 5,000?
500 ➗ 5
What is 100?
3.5 X 7
100.2 ➗ 5
What is 20.04?
72 inches is how many feet?
What is 6 feet?
225 X 61
What is 13,725?
1,000 ➗ 10
What is 100?
43.2 X 6
What is 259.2?
25.14 ➗ 3
What is 8.38?
24 cups is how many pints?
What is 12 pints?
97 X 5
What is 485?
8,500 ➗ 25
What is 340?
508.1 X 7
What is 3,556.7?
30.6 ➗ 9
What is 3.4?
49 days is how many weeks?
What is 7 weeks?
4,326 X 75
What is 324,450?
4432 ➗ 4
44.9 X 52
There are 24 peanut butter cups in a bag. The bag weighs 64.32 grams. How many grams does each peanut butter cup weigh?
What is 2.68?
360 minutes is how many hours?
What is 6 hours?
What is 42.00?
Mrs. Kennedy has 700 pencils and wants to divide those evenly among 20 students. How many pencils will each student get?
What is 35?
A bottle of coke costs $1.27. Mr. Smith needs to buy 28 bottles for his class party. How much will he spend in total?
What is 35.56?
Mrs. Kennedy has a bag of apples that weighs 72.46 pounds. If there are 10 apples in the bag, how much does each apple weigh?
How many ounces in 4 cups?
What is 32 ounces?