Powers of Ten
April has a glass that holds 9.75 ounces of water. She drinks 2.5 of these glasses in one day. How much water does April drink in one day?
What is 14.625 ounces
In the vote for which animal to support, the red panda got 5/8 of the seventh-grade vote, and the giraffe got 1/6 of the seventh grade vote. What is the difference between the fraction of the vote the red panda got vs the fraction the giraffe got? 
What is 11/24 or 22/48.
What is 1/10 of 700? 
What is 70.
A cube has a side length of 16 meters. What is the volume of the cube? 
What is 4,096 cubic meters. 
Caden is renting an apartment and he pays rent weekly. If he pays $285 per week and there are 52 weeks in a year, how much rent does Caden pay in one year? 
What is $14,820.
Mrs. Pickrell went to the store and bought 3.18 pounds of apples. If each pound of apples cost $1.09, how much money did she spend on apples?
What is $3.47 
Ava has two pieces of wood. The first piece is 3 14/24 feet long. The second piece is 2 5/6 feet long. How long, in feet, is her wood altogether?
What is 6 10/24 or 6 5/6 feet.

How much bigger is the 5 in 546,800 than the 5 in 275,200? 
What is 100 times larger.
A planter shaped like a rectangular prism has a length of 5 meters, a width of 6 meters, and a height of 8 meters. Attached to the side of the planter is a smaller planter with a volume that is 1/3 of the larger planter. What is their combined volume? 
What is 320 cubic meters. 
Jacob has collected Pokemon cards since he was 4. If he has gotten 35 cards a year for the past 14 years, how many Pokemon cards does he have total?
What is 490 cards. 
Benjiman brought in a bag of gummy worms that weighed 16.1 pounds. If he shared these worms evenly between 23 people, how many pounds would each person get? 
What is .7 pounds
When Justin got home from school it took him 2/6 hours to do his math homework, 3/10 hours to do his LA homework, and 1/3 hours to do his science homework. How long, in hours, did it take him to do his homework?
What is 58/60 or 29/30 hours. 
Lacey wrote the number three billion four hundred three thousand six hundred eighty nine as 3,430,689. What should her answer have looked like in numerical form? 
What is 3, 000, 403, 689
Draw a shape that has four sides, opposite sides equal and four right angles. Give all possible classifications of this shape. 
What is rectangle, parallelogram, and quadrilateral.
Mrs. Pickrell was in charge of snacks for the whole building. She was left with 368 snack containers. If she was splitting this up for a class of 23 kids, how many snack containers would each student get? 
What is 16 snack containers? 
Gianna is making scarves. She has 3 meters of yarn and needs to cut it into pieces that are .6 meters. How many scarves is she able to make? 
What is 5 scarves.
Cameron buys 4 1/3 pounds of oranges for a recipe. He uses 3/4 of the oranges he bought. How many pounds of oranges did he use for his recipe?
What is 39/12 or 3 3/12 pounds of oranges.
Write the number 507,624.83 in expanded form. 
What is 500,000 + 7,000 + 600 + 20 + 4 + .8 + .03
Can a triangle be equilateral and obtuse? Explain why or why not. 
What is no. Triangles that are equilateral can never be obtuse. They must always be acute triangles. 
A plant needs approximately 810 ounces of water in a month? If a month has 30 days, how many ounces of water is that per day? 
What is 27 ounces.
Mrs. Hunter went to the store with $500 to purchase snacks for testing. Her snacks cost her $367.89. How much money did she leave the store with?
What is $132.11
Lily has a piece of ribbon that's 1/3 yard long. She cuts it into 2 equal pieces to make bookmarks. How long is each piece of ribbon? 
What is 1/6 yard.

In what place is the 8 in the number 43,512.098?

It is in the thousandths place. 

Find the volume of this complex figure.

What is 96 cubic inches. 
Ethan made $68,640 in one year. He wondered how much that would be per week. If there are 52 weeks in a year, how much money did he make per week? 
What is $1,320.