This number is 20 more than 328.
What is 348?
Equivalent to 6/8
The answer in a division problem
Sides: L = 4, W= 2
A = 8
This is your teacher's first name
Which is larger, 1/2 or 1/4
What is 1/2?
Equivalent to 1/2: 2 fractions
2/4 3/6. 4/8. 5/10
The top and bottom numbers in a fraction
numerator and denominator
L = 7, W = 7
P = 28
This is the college your teacher went to
This time is 45 minutes past 2:30pm.
What is 3:15 pm?
What are two fractions that are equivalent to 4/8?
1/2. 2/4. 3/6. 5/10. 6/12
When you change 1/2 to 2/4 you have found...
equivalent fractions
Perimeter= 26, w = 4
Area =
l = 9
A = 36
This is the name of your teacher's dog
Name the shapes:
This shape has 5 sides,
This shape has 6 sides
What is a pentagon? What is a hexagon?
What faction is equivalent to 4/6?
2/3. 8/12. 12/18
Name the answers to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems
sum, difference, product, quotient
l= 4, w = 8,
Area =
Area = 32
This is where your teacher is from
The perimeter of a square with sides of 8 inches
32 inches
fraction equivalent to 1/3
2/6, 3/9, 4/12
12 divided by 3. The 3 is called the.....
Perimeter =28 , l = 10, w =
w =4
This is your teacher's middle name