What is second addition problem that I can make using the Commutative Property?
8 children were arguing over crayons. Some children went to get the teacher. Now there are 4 children left. How many children went to get the teacher? Use a math drawing to help you solve the problem.
4 Student used a correct math drawing to solve the problem.
Solve the problem. How did you get your answer.
5. I counted up, I counted backwards, I subtracted
Kathy and her sister always have the same amount of candy. Kathy has 5 pieces of candy. How much candy do Kathy and her sister have? How did you know?
10 pieces of candy.
There are 7 teachers in a book club. Some more teachers join the club. Now there are 9 teachers. How many teachers joined the club? Show the subtraction sentence you used to solve the problem and answer the question in a statement.
9-7=2 2 teachers joined the book club.
Solve the problem. How did you get your answer.
a. 6+7+2=3+7+2
b. 6+7+2=6+7+1
c. 6+7+2=7+2+6
c. 6+7+2=7+2+6
Charlie says you can use an addition problem to solve a subtraction problem. He says to solve 3-2=__ just add 3+2. How is Charlie right? How is he wrong?
3+2=5 3-2=1 this is wrong But addition problems do help solve subtraction problems in the same fact family. 2+1=3 helps to solve 3-2=1