Place Value
Number Bond
Number Pattern
Rounding Off to The Nearest Tens
Rounding Off to The Nearest Hundreds

Bu Bilqis bought 324 tickets for her class trip to the museum. How many hundreds, tens, and ones are in that number?

3 hundreds, 2 tens, 4 ones.


Bu Neaty has 25 toy robots. She gave 16 robots to her niece. How many robots does Bu Neaty have now?

She has 9 toy robots left. Because 16 and 9 make 25.


Owen is working on his 3 times table. He says “3, 6, 9, 12...” If he continues, what will be the 10th number in the pattern?


3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30.


There are 78 students going on a field trip Y3 . To make it easier to organize, the teacher wants to round the number of students to the nearest 10. How many students should the teacher round it to?



Bu Fau bought 635 markers. The seller knows her well, so she gave her discount. She said Bu Fau only needed to pay for the nearest hundreds markers. How many markers that Bu Fau should pay?



When Sakhi played a game, he got 400 points for the the first round, 90 points for the second round, and 3 points for the last round. How many points did he collect in total?



Sakha has 48 balloons for his birthday party. He gave 13 balloons to his friend. How many balloons does Sakha have left? Can you show this as a number bond?

13 and 35


Qilla is practicing her skip-counting by 6s. She says, “6, 12, 18, 24...” What will the 8th number be in her pattern?

6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48. The eight number is 48.


There are 28 students in Y3 Tilako. Bu Ersi wants to bring fruit satays for the students for the class party. If she rounds the number of fruit satays to the nearest 10, how many should she bring?



A concert sold 234 tickets. If the event organizer rounds this number to the nearest 100, how many tickets does he report were sold?



Bu Christy sailed the seas and found 629 pieces of treasure. She decided to split it up among her crew. Bu Christy, as the pirate captain gets all the pieces in the hundreds place. Bu Inka, the first mate, gets all the pieces in the tens place. Bu Ersi, the second mate, gets the pieces in the ones place. How much treasure does each person get?

Bu Christy: 600

Bu Inka: 20

Bu Ersi: 9


Y3 Kideng students brought 50 snacks for their camping trip. They ate 23 snacks by lunchtime. How many snacks are left?

27 snacks left. Because 27 and 23 make 50


Aira did skip counting, beginning at 13, until she reached 25. Could she be counting by fours?

Yes. (13, 17, 21, 25)


Kanaka walked 274 steps to school. He wants to round the number of steps to the nearest 10. How many steps does he round to?



A farmer brought 478 watermelons to the market. He rounds the number of watermelons to the nearest 100 when speaking with customers. How many watermelons does he say he brought?



The Candy Factory made 456 chocolate bars today. The manager wants to separate the bars into hundreds, tens, and ones to package them. How many chocolate bars will go in the “Hundreds” box? How many in the “Tens” box? How many in the “Ones” box?

400 to the hundreds box

50 to the tens box

6 to the ones box


In Y3 Selodor classroom, there are 73 crayons. 46 of them are red, and the rest are blue. How many blue crayons are there?

There are 27 blue crayons because 46 and 27 make 73.


Bu Susan planted a sunflower that grows 5 cm every week. If the sunflower starts at 10 cm, how tall will it be after 3 weeks? Can you describe the pattern of growth?

It will grow 25cm in 3 weeks. If it starts at 10 cm and will 5cm per week. We do skip counting 5 for three times starting from 10.

week 0 = 10 cm

week 1 = 15

week 2 = 20

week 3 = 25


There are 1,207 people who will attend CAD. The committees want to prepare for the souvenirs. To make it safe, they will prepare more by rounding it to the nearest 10. How many souvenirs should they prepare?



A car traveled 3,713 km on a road trip. If the driver rounds the number of miles to the nearest 100, how many km will the driver say they traveled?



A dragon hoards 587 shiny gems in her cave. She separates them into piles of hundreds, tens, and ones. If she gives away the gems in the tens place, how many will she have left?

507. Because she gave away 80 gems.


Alvino has 75 pieces of lego to play. He will play them with Yaya. How many pieces they can play each?

(accept any possible answers for the number bond of 75)


A ball bounces lower and lower. On the first bounce, it goes up 18 inches, on the second bounce 16 inches, and on the third bounce 14 inches. If the pattern continues, how high will the ball go on the fifth bounce?

The ball bounced from 18 inches to 16 inches. The skip counting backward is 2.

18, 16, 14, 12, 10. On the fifth bounce, the ball would go to 10 inches.


In the library, there are 134 fiction books and 218 non-fiction books on the shelf. Bu Sasya wants to round the number of books to the nearest 10 to make sorting easier. How many fiction books and non-fiction books?

134 = 130

212 = 220

Total = 350


Bu Inka wants to buy class supplies. The class needs 376 pencils and 409 packs of color paper. She wants to round these number to the nearest 100. How many pencils should she buy?

How many packs of color paper should she buy?

How many pencils and color paper should she buy in total?

Pencils: 400

Color paper: 410

Total = 810
