Number Operations

The gardener planted 27 rows of bushes with 26 bushed per row. How many rose bushes did the gardener plant?

The gardener planted 702 rose bushes

A volleyball court at Jefferson middle school has the following dimensions:

Length-19 meters

Width- 7 meters

What is the perimeter of the volleyball court?

52 meters


Hannah sells ice cream. To make one ice cream cone with a topping, she spends $0.65 on ice cream, $0.25 on the cone, and $0.05 on the topping. If she sells one cone for $2.00, how much profit will she earn?

She will earn $1.05


Three girls measure their heights.

Ana is 1.32 meters tall.

Mary is .14 meters taller than Ana.

Louisa is .07 meters taller than Ana.

How tall is Louisa?

Louisa is 1.53 meters tall.


Rachel wrote an 8 digit number. One of the digits was a 7 that had a value of (7 x 10,000). Which could be the number that Rachel wrote?

A. 63,147,900




D. 63,470,900


Ms. Smith bought 216 donuts for the 'Donuts with Dad" breakfast at her school. How many dozen donuts did she buy?

She bought 18 dozen donuts.


Galena drew a quadrilateral that only had one pair of parallel sides. What kind of figure did she draw?

A. rectangle

B. rhombus

C. hexagon

D. trapezoid

D. trapezoid


Malika will make and then sell a candle. The wax, the glass jar and the wick for the candle will cost $3.45 all together. If Malika sells the candle for $7.25, what will be her profit?

Her profit will be $3.80


Nicole mixed 5/8 of a can of blue paint with 3/5 can of red paint. What is the proper comparison of these two fractions? (<,>,=)

5/8 > 3/5


Savannah rounded the following number to the nearest ten thousand. 


What would Savannah's new number be?



The newspaper subscription rate is $12 per month. How much would John pay for a 2 year subscription?

John would pay $288


Angles X and Y measure 180 degrees together. If angle Y measures 62 degrees, what does angle x measure? 

Angle X measures 118 degrees


Which of the following could be considered a variable expense?

A. Rent

B. Car payment

C. Restaurant check

D. Internet bill

C. Restaurant check


Martina paid $127.59 for a new cell phone? What are  the two ways to correctly express the value of the 9 in this amount?

0.09 and 9 x 1/100


Perry wrote the 3 digit number shown below.


The value of the 5 in the hundreds place is how many times greater than the value of the 5 in the tens place?

10 times larger.


Mrs. Matthews tutors 9 children after school. She wants to give each child an equal number of pencils. Mrs. Matthews bought 135 pencils. How many pencils will each child receive?

Each child will receive 15 pencils.


Mr. Jones is putting new tile flooring in his kitchen. The length of his kitchen is 12 feet and the width of his kitchen is 13 feet. How much tile will he need to cover the entire kitchen floor?

156 square feet 


The first school bell at Adams elementary will ring at 7:45. A second bell will ring 3 hours and 30 minutes later. What time will the second school bell ring?

The second bell will ring at 11:15.


Selena's math book weighs 3.5 pounds. Her history book weighs 2.75 pounds. Her science book weighs the same as her math book. What is the total weight of Selena's math, history and science books?

9.75 pounds


The list below shows the populations of 5 different cities. What would be the correct order if the cities were put in order from greatest to least?

Sydney: 4,676,118

Yangon: 4,714,000

Chennai: 4,681,087

Kolkata: 4,486,679

Alexandria: 4,616,625

Yangon,Chennai,Sydney, Alexandria, Kolkata


Jane donated $12 to the food bank. Monica donated triple the amount. Jasmine donated double the amount Monica donated. What is the total amount the girls donated to the food bank?

The girls donated $120 to the food bank.


Rectangle 1 has dimensions of 16 ft and 31 feet.

Rectangle 2 has dimensions of 9 feet and 13 feet.

What is the difference between the areas of these two rectangles?

379 feet


Mackenzie was given a rope of licorice that was 4 feet 6 inches long. She ate 9 inches of the licorice and her brother ate 12 inches. How long was Mackenzie's rope of licorice then?

** Answer should be in feet and inches

2 feet 9 inches 


Tom mixed 9/12 cup of wet dog food with 6/7 cup of dry dog food to feed his pet dog Max. What is the proper way to compare these two fractions? (<,>,=)



There are 118 fifth graders, 92 fourth graders, and 77 third graders at Gallegos Elementary. What is the total number of third, fourth and fifth graders rounded to the nearest ten? 

290 third, fourth and fifth graders
