The Number System
Expressions & Equations
Rates & Proportions

What is the decimal equivalent of the fraction 


0.5 overline3


Write an expression that makes the equation true for all values of x.

16x - 16 = 4( _________)

4x - 4


How do you know a graph is proportional?

It is a straight line that goes through the origin.


Leanna collects data throughout the basketball season and uses the data to determine the probabilities of different teams playing in the league championship game. The probabilities for her four favorite teams playing in the championship game are shown below. 

• Tigers: P = 2/3 

• Redbirds: P = 4/5

• Titans: P = 1/2 

Which team is least likely to play in the championship game?



Each month, Nelson pays $0.08 per text message that he sends or receives, plus a $10 fee. Nelson's bill for February was $44.56. How many text messages did Nelson send or receive in February?

432 text messages


A number, n, is multiplied by


 The product is -0.4. What is the value of n? Represent your answer as a fraction.



A triangle has side lengths of (5.5x + 6.2y) centimeters, (4.3x + 8.3z) centimeters and (1.6z - 5.1y) centimeters. Write an expression that represents the perimeter of the triangle.

9.8x + 1.1y + 9.9z


A vehicle uses

1 1/8

  gallons of gasoline to travel

13 1/2 

 miles. At this rate, how many miles can the vehicle travel per gallon of gasoline? 



A 7th grade English teacher wants to order books for all the 7th grade classes. He wants to determine the favorite type of book among the 7th grade students. Which sample would be the most appropriate survey?

A. 7 girls in each of his classes

B. Every 5th student in the 7th grade

C. 1 out of 7 students in his middle school

D. All of the boys in one of his 7th grade classes

B. Every 5th student in the 7th Grade


Mario is setting up a new tent during a camping trip. The tent came with 7 feet of rope. The instructions are to use 34.5 inches of the rope to tie a tarp on top of the tent. Then, the remaining rope should be cut into 8 1/4 inch sections to tie the tent to stakes in the ground. Mario will use all of the rope as instructed. Write and solve an equation to determine the number of 8 1/4 inch sections of rope Mario can cut from the rope. 

8.25x + 34.5 = 84 or 8 1/4x + 34.5 = 84

6 pieces


What is the value of the expression?

8/15 ÷ (-0.35)

Represent your answer as a fraction. Make sure to simplify as a mixed number if necessary. 

-1 11/21


Winston needs at least 80 signatures from students in his school before he can run for class president. He has 23 signatures already. He and two of his friends plan to get the remaining signatures during lunch. Write and solve an inequality to determine the minimum number of signatures each person should get.

3x + 23 ≥ 80

19 signatures


A recycling plant processes an average of


ton of glass each minute. At approximately what rate does the recycling plant process glass, in tons her day? (1 day = 24 hours)



A passenger train has tickets available for 12 window seats and 8 aisle seats. The next person to buy a ticket will be randomly assigned to one of those seats. What is the probability that the next person will be assigned to an aisle seat?



A gardener found that he was able to plant 1/4 of a packet of flower seeds in 1/5 of a garden. At this rate, how much of the graded would he cover with the entire packet of seeds?



What is the value of the expression?

(2/3 - 5/6 )/ (3/4)

Represent your answer as a fraction. Leave it as a mixed number if necessary.



A trailer will be used to transport several 40-kilogram crates to a store. The greatest amount of weight that can be loaded onto the trailer is 1,050 kilograms. An 82-kilogram crate has already been loaded onto the trailer. Write an inequality that represents this scenario and figure out how many crates can be on the trailer. 

40x + 82 ≤ 1050

24 crates


A student uses a solution that contains 16 grams of water to conduct an evaporation experiment. 

* At the end of one hour, the amount of water in the solution has decreased by 3.5%.

* At the end of two hours, the amount of water in the solution has decreased by another 4.25%.

Determine the remaining amount of water, in grams, remaining at the end of the second hour. Do not round!

14.7838 grams


A computer program selects blue, red, or green as the background color each time the program is used.

• The program was used 45 times on the same computer in one week

• Of those 45 times, a blue background appeared 12 times and a red background appeared 21 times. 

What is the probability that a green background appears next?



Action Wheels manufactures model so antique cars for collectors. In August, it manufactured 300 model cars. In September, Action Wheels manufactures 5% fewer model cars that in August. What is the difference in the numbers of cars manufactured in August and September?

15 cars

Ruby's Market sells smoked meats by the pound. The prices for several different meats are shown in the table. How much more does

1 1/4 

 pounds of beef cost than  

1 1/4 

pounds of turkey?



Write an expression that is equivalent to 

7/2 h-3(5h-1/2 )

Leave all answers as fractions. Write as a mixed number if necessary.

-11 1/2 h + 1 1/2 


Hallum Hardware created flyers to advertise a sale on a certain type of carpet. A portion of the flyer is shown below. 

Guillen Floors advertises the same type of carpet at a cost of 10% less per square foot than Hallum Hardware. Determine the cost of 700 square feet of carpet if it is bought from Guillen Floors. 



A spinner with seven equal-sized sections was used to play a game. 

• It was used 250 times in the first game. 

• Of those 250, the arrow landed on section 7 a total of 35 times. 

• The same spider was used 150 times in the second game. 

How many times did the spinner most likely land on 7 in the second game?



At a store, customers are randomly selected to participate in a survey. On Friday, there were 500 customers at the store. Of those, 90 were selected to participate in the survey. On Saturday, the store manager expects 700 customers in the store. If the probability of being selected to participate in the survey on Saturday is the same as it was on Friday, how many customers will be selected to participate in the survey on Saturday?

