Multiplying Decimals
Dividing Decimals
Whole Numbers Multiplication
Whole Numbers Division
Use a model to multiply the following: 1.5 x 0.4
What is 6
Yesterday, a bamboo plant was 12.62 yards tall. Today, the bamboo had grown by 0.34 yard. Bryson chopped the bamboo into 6 equal pieces. How long was each piece?
What is 2.16
Multi-Step: Tickets to a museum cost $17 each. For a field trip, the museum offers a $4 discount on each ticket. How much will tickets for 32 students cost?
Susanna made a total of $132 for the school fundraiser. She sold pizza combo meals for $12 each. How many combo meals did Susanna sell?
What is 11
Use compatible numbers to decide what to estimate the dividend and the divisor to the following problem: 9,144 ÷ 27
What is 9000 and 30
12.6 X 3.4
What is 42.84
A store owner has 7.11 lbs. of candy. If she puts the candy into 9 jars, how much candy will each jar contain?
What is 0.79
957 × 43
What is 41,151
Tickets for the basketball game cost $14 each. If the sale of the tickets brought in $2,212, how many tickets were sold?
What is 158
Which number sentence with compatible numbers is the most reasonable estimate of the quotient for 478 ÷ 47? A 500 ÷ 25 = 20 B 500 ÷ 50 = 10 C 400 ÷ 50 = 8 D 600 ÷ 40 = 15
What is B
School lunches cost $14.50 per week. How much would 5.5 weeks of lunches cost?
What is $79.75
Marvyn worked for 3 days. He earned $87.20 each day. He uses his earnings to buy four chairs. If he has no money left over, what is the cost of each chair?
What is $64.50
In a locker, you find the ultimate puzzle book with 385 pages. There is also a clue leading you to another locker. Multiply the number of pages by 23 to get the code for the next locker. What is the code?
What is 8,855
1,285 ÷ 32
What is 40 R 5
Estimate the product of 4.7 × 38.12.
What is 200
A vine in Mr. Jackson’s garden was 3.6 feet long. When it is measured again, it is 2.1 times as long. How long is the vine?
What is 7.56
Use a model to solve the following: 3.54 ÷ 3
What is 1.18
Multi-Step Charlie worked 45 hours this week. He earned $12 per hour. If he spent $134 for a new bicycle, how much money does he have left?
What is $406
Multi-Step A city has 7,204 recycle bins. The city gives half of the recycle bins to its citizens. The rest of the recycle bins are divided into 23 equal groups for city parks. How many recycle bins are left over?
What is 14
The width of Mr. Simm’s driveway is 9.2 meters. The length is 3.4 times the width. What is the best estimate of the length of Mr. Simm's driveway?
What is 27 meters
At the butcher shop, Jason bought 2.4 pounds of ground beef for $5.20 per pound. He bought 3.2 pounds of ground turkey for $2.90 per pound. How much more did Jason spend on beef than on turkey?
What is $3.20
Multi-Step Tamika bought 6 fish at the pet store for a total of $7.26. If two of the fish together cost $4.10, and each of the other four fish had the same cost, how much was each remaining fish?
What is 0.79
An African elephant in the wild will eat for as long as 16 hours each day. For how many hours does an elephant eat in one year? There are 365 days in one year.
What is 5,840
1,989 ÷ 15
What is 132 R 9
Mr. Endo buys 9.6 gallons of gasoline. He pays $3.95 per gallon. About how much does Mr. Endo spend on gasoline? A $4,000.00 B $4.00 C $40.00 D $400.00
What is C