
There a 16 marbles in a bag. 3 are red, 7 are blue, and 6 are yellow. The probability of randomly selecting a yellow marble is...

What is 6/16 or 3/8?


The value of x in the equation 

3/4 = x + 1/7 is...

What is 17/28?


During the month of July, Garth’s Video tracked the number of videos rented for each transaction. A total of 500 transactions were made during the month of July. The results are shown below. The number of exactly 3 video rentals made during the month of July were...

Number of videos rented      Percent of transactions

             1                                       20%

             2                                       36%

             3                                       26%

             4                                        8%

       5 or more                                10%

What is 130?


If f(x) = (6x + 3)then f(2) = ?

What is 225?


The numbers 1 through 22 were each written on individual pieces of paper, 1 number per piece. Then the 22 pieces of paper were put in a jar. One piece of paper will be drawn from the jar at random. The probability of drawing a piece of paper with a number less than 14 written on it is...

What is 13/22?


A tank has a capacity of 40 gallons and is 7/8 full of water. Jamal then removes 1/5 of the water in the tank. The number of gallons of water left in the tank are...

What is 28 gallons?


15% of 70% of 90 is...

What is 9.45?


If f(x) = 7x2 - 2x + 3  then f(-5) = ?

What is 188?


The exact probability for randomly drawing a marble of a particular color from a bag is...

red      0.3

blue    0.25

green  0.15

yellow 0.1

The probability of randomly drawing a marble

that is NOT green and is NOT blue is...

What is 0.4?


An English teacher decided to give a second test over the same material as a first test. To reward those students who did well and to provide an incentive to students to improve their score, he announced that he would calculate the combined test score by starting with the first test score and adding 2/3 of the increase in test score from their first test to their second test. Trish scored 57 points on her first test and 72 points on her second test. Her combined test score is...

What is 82?


3% of 3.85 x 105 is...

What is 11,550?


The domain of (x + 1)/(x - 2) is...

What is all real numbers except 2?
