The answer to an addition problem.
What is SUM?
Adding a ZERO to any other number.
Ex: 6 + 0 = 6
What is the ZERO PROPERTY of addition?
Changing the order of the factors does not change the product.
5 x 3 = 3 x 5
What is the COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY of multiplication.
Using vertical bars to show information on a graph.
A digit.
What is any single number?
The answer to a subtraction problem.
Changing the order of addends does not change the SUM.
6 + 5 = 5 + 6
What is the COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY of addition.
Multiplying any factor by zero equals zero.
6 x 0 = 0
What is the ZERO PROPERTY of multiplication.
Using horizontal bars to show information on a graph.
Standard Form
What is the normal way to write a number using digits?
Ex: 384 = 384
One of the numbers multiplied in a multiplication equation.
What is FACTOR?
Using parenthesis to group addends together does not change the sum. (Do it First!)
4 + (5 + 3) = (4 + 5) + 3
What is the ASSOCIATIVE PROPERTY of addition.
Multiplying any factor by 1 equals the other factor.
6 x 1 = 6
What is the IDENTITY PROPERTY of multiplication.
Using pictures to show information on a graph.
Written Form
What is writing any number using words?
Ex: 384 = Three hundred eighty-four
The answer to a multiplication problem.
What is PRODUCT?
This equation uses a property of addition.
5 + 3 = 3 + 5
What is the COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY of addition?
Using parenthesis to group factors together does not change the product.
6 x (4 x 5) = (6 x 4) x 5
What is the ASSOCIATIVE PROPERTY of multiplication.
Using X's or dots above a line to show information.
What is a LINE PLOT?
Expanded Form
What is writing a number by separating it's values and writing them as an addition problem?
Ex: 384 = 300 + 80 + 4
One of the numbers in an addition problem.
What is ADDEND?
This equation uses a property of addition.
5 + (5 + 7) = (5 + 5) + 7
What is the ASSOCIATIVE PROPERTY of addition.
This equation uses one of the properties of multiplication.
4 x (5 x 3) = (4 x 5) x 3
What is the associative property of multiplication
Shows how many each of something is worth on a graph.
What is a KEY?
Place Value
What is the position of a digit in a number that gives it a value called?
Ex: 384 The 8 is in the tens position so 8 x 10 = 80