8 x 2 =
What time is it right now in English?
How do you spell my name?
11 x 12 =
I leave school at 5:30 PM. It takes me 32 minutes to walk home. What time will I get home?
6:02 PM
Who is the earliest to leave on Tuesday and Thursday?
Brandon Sedano
12 x 3 x 15 =
Jose sleeps for 8 hours and 15 minutes. He went to sleep at 6:26 PM. What time does he wake up? (Include AM or PM)
2:41 AM
What is the name of the two gym teachers?
Mr. Gabriel and Mr. Fernando
99 x 23 =
Yeray plays his tablet from 7:23 PM on Monday until 2:45 PM on Tuesday. How long did play on his tablet?
19 hours and 22 minutes
What were the names of the other teachers that were here this week? Bonus: Who was the teacher here last week?
Ms. Abigail and Ms. Melanie
Bonus: Ms.Nicole
100 x 99 x 2 =
At what time will we perform our song? Day and Time.
Friday at 11 PM
Who is Ms. Pamela’s favorite football player?