What lake does Cornell overlook?
Cayuga Lake
A Cornell alumni that is a science education advocate
Bill Nye
Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of this number.
Hollister Hall
What event celebrates the ending of the the school year in Spring?
Slope Day
Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Zero (0)
Olin Library
Who founded Cornell?
AD White and Ezra Cornell
A Cornell alumni who won the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Barbara McClintock
At what temperature do Celsius and Fahrenheit scales show the same measurement
-40C = -40F
Mann Library
When was Cornell founded?
A Cornell alumni that has two buildings (non-library) named after them
Toni Morrison
How many numbers have the letter "a" when counting from 0 all the way to 1000
1 (it's 1000)
What food item did Cornell invent?
The chicken nugget or ice cream sundae
A Cornell alumni that the first new facility to be built on the Pew Engineering Quad in two decades is named after
Martin. Y. Tang
What shape has largest area of any shape with the same perimeter?
Rhodes Hall