Inductive Reasoning
Arriving at a general conclusion on observations of specific examples.
Deductive Reasoning
Specific conclusion from one or more general statements.
Approximate Answer.
Lines, Pies.
Formulas with meaning assigned to variables.
If you see a black cat that means, you'll have what?
What is "Bad luck"?
All fish have fins, Nemo from "finding Nemo" is a fish, you can conclude that?
What is Nemo also has fins?
This happens when someone wants to give an approximation to a given place value while the place value before it has a 5 or greater number.
What is rounding up?
A measure of time typically appears on the axis. It is the axis that runs from left to right on a graph.
What is the x-axis?
A Process for finding formulas to describe real-world phenomena?
What is Mathematical Modeling?
Seeing a cat purr, concludes that?
what is All Cats Purr?
In a garden full of flowers, you notice a Dandelion that has a series of Petals on it. In this garden you can conclude that all the flowers you see will have?
What is flower Petals?
The symbol ≈ is used to show a relationship between two numbers. State the relationship expressed by the symbol.
what is the relationship "is approximately equal to?"
These graphs are formed by groups of rectangles separated by small spaces. At the bottom of each group is a unit corresponding to the x-axis. How high each rectangle extends corresponds to units on the y-axis.
What are bar graphs?
An Irrational unending number, used to find the circumference or area of a circle?
What is pi (𝛑)?
All houses on Maple St fell apart, Billy lives on Maple St, what does that mean for him?
What is Billys house fell apart?
All Fruits have seeds; A pineapple is a fruit therefore.
pineapples have seeds.
Give the number that results when rounding 23.563 to the nearest tenth.
what is 23.6?
Line graphs can be used to demonstrate these things over time. These things can change based on the direction the line takes between plotted points.
what are trends?
The Slope Intercept form used to write the equation of a straight line?
What is y=mx+b?
Observing the lineage of the fossil record, concludes organisms evolved overtime through?
What is Natural Selection?
If it rains, then the sidewalks are wet. The sidewalk is wet, therefore.
What is it's raining?
Give the number that results when rounding 7,905,534, to the nearest thousand.
What is 7,906,000?
A symbol appears on a graph to denote this phenomenon on an axis. The symbol takes the appearance of a spike parallel to the axis it occurs, before another sike in the opposite direction.
What is a break in the graph?
General equation of a straight line?
What is y=mx+c?