What is a dimensions of a "point"
They are dimensionless
What is an Axiom or Postulate
A proposition that is self-evidently true without proof
What are mutually exclusive events?
Events that cannot occur at the same time
What is the difference between a sample and a population?
A population consists of all subjects under study, A sample is a representative subgroup or subset of a population
How many significant figures in 1500
What are complimentary angles
Angles that sum to 90 degrees
How do you "spell" Odd in math
What are two independent events
Events where if one occurs it does not affect the probability of the other event
How do you define "standard deviation"
Explains how much the data deviates from the standard (the mean)
What are the tree types of errors
Systematic, Gross, Random
What is a Transversal line
A line that intercepts two parallel lines
What are twin primes?
Prime numbers that are 2 less or 2 more than another prime number (3,5), (5,7), (11,13), (17,19), (29,31)
What equation do you use if the order IS important
What does COMPSTAT stand for and when it was used
Stands for either computer statistics or comparative statistics (nobody can actually remember). Used for policing
How many feet in a mile
5 tomatoes
What angle is the most mechanically stable
120 degrees
What is the smallest infinity
Aleph Null, the number of natural numbers
How many babies do you need to get a 50% chance that they share a birthday?
•It is bell-shaped
•The mean, median, and mode are equal and located at the center of the distribution
•It is unimodal (only has one mode)
•It is symmetrical about the mean
•Which is the same thing as saying that its shape is the same on both sides of a vertical line passing through the center
•It is continuous – There are no gaps or holes
•The area under a portion of a normal curve is the percentage of that data that falls between the data values that begin and end that region (we will talk more about this don’t worry)
•The total area under the curve is exactly 1.
How is the current meter defined?
•Length traveled by light in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second
What is the name of the problem that led to the "path of least time", and who solved it
Brachistochrone, Bernoulli
How do you explain a "Super Task"?
Taking half as much time to do the next time, at a rate called the "Zeno's Rate"
What is the Monty Hall problem and what is the best strategy
Three doors, two with a goat and one with a car. You should switch after picking the first door
What is a "Standard Normal Distribution"
A normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation
What is absolute zero
-273.15 Celsius, when there is 0 heat, the molecules stop vibrating