4 6 . 0 5
+ 1 5 . 9 3
What is 61.98?
4 . 6 7
- 2 . 4 5
What is 2.22?
What place value column is the 6 in?
What is hundreds column?
What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it?
What is silence?
Energy that is always available.
What is renewable energy?
6 . 2 5 3
+ 1 . 9 4
What is 8.193?
- 1 6 . 7 4
What is 18.09?
If we multiply this number by 1000, what place value column will the 7 be in?
What is the hundreds column?
I have keys but no doors. I have space but no rooms, I allow you to enter but you are never able to leave. What am I?
What is a keyboard?
What are language features?
Add the following numbers:
1.065, 25.1, 12.16
Subtract these numbers:
54.06 and 42.84
What is 11.22?
If we multiply this number by 100, what place value column will the 2 be in?
What is the ones column?
What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
What is a towel?
Happy, confident, thankful, relaxed, okay, good.
What is the green zone of regulation?
Add the following numbers:
45.603, 0.045, 123.4
What is 169.048?
Subtract these numbers:
17.84 and 2.51
What is 15.33?
Multiply 45.72 and 3.4
What is 155.448?
What has hands but can’t clap?
When this occurs to a circuit, a light turns on.
What is a closed electrical circuit?
Calculate the total length of these ropes and give the answer in cm:
145cm, 0.76m, 2.5m
What is 471cm?
If Stephen has 65.43m of rope and Belle took 2439cm of rope, how much rope did Stephen have left? (answer in metres)
I needed 17 skipping ropes to start a skipping club. If each rope cost $2.48, how much money would I need to purchase all 17 skipping ropes?
How much is $42.16?
If an electric train is going east at 60 miles an hour and there is a strong westerly wind, which way does the smoke from the train drift?
What is, an electric train doesn't produce smoke.
Purple, green, orange.
What are the secondary colours?