States of matter
Physical properties

What are the three states of matter?

Liquid, solid, gas


What state of matter has a definite volume but takes the shape of its container?

What is a liquid?


What does solubility mean?

Solubility is the ability of a substance to dissolve in a liquid, usually water.


What are physical properties of a substance, and how can they help you identify different materials around you?

Physical properties are characteristics of a substance that can be observed or measured without changing its identity, such as color, shape, size, and density. They help us identify materials by providing clues about what they are, like the hardness of a rock or the color of a liquid.


If ice melts into water, does it change into a different type of matter? Why or why not?

No, it does not change into a different type of matter. Ice and water are both water (H₂O); they are just different states of the same substance.


What is matter?

Anything that has mass and volume.


What state of matter has a fixed shape and volume?

What is a solid?


Nelson was going to bake cookies. His recipe called for water and oil. He decided that he would measure both at the same time. First, he put ½ a cup of water and then he put ¼ cup of cooking oil into a glass measuring cup. He stirred to mix the two liquids. When he was ready to add it to dry ingredients, he noticed the oil and water had separated into two layers.Why did the liquid separate into two layers?

A. It was not stirred enough.

B. There was not enough water

C. Oil does not dissolve in water.

D. The oil and water were not the same temperature.

Answer C is correct because oil is one of several common substances that does not dissolve in water.


Petra and Huy are doing a class demonstration to show that solids, liquids, and gases all have mass. They use a balance for the solids and the liquids, but they are having trouble measuring the mass of gasses. Which is the best way for them to show that air has mass? A. Compare the masses of an air-filled balloon and an empty balloon.

B. Use a fan to make a current of air and measure it.

C. Put an empty bottle on one side and a full bottle on the other.

D. Heat water to show it changing from liquid to water vapr.

Answer A is correct because they can observe that the air-filled balloon has a greater mass than the
empty balloon.


How can you measure the volume of a liquid? What units would you use?

You can measure the volume of a liquid using a measuring cup or graduated cylinder, typically using liters or milliliters.


Atoms are particles too small to be seen even with an ordinary microscope. Where are atoms found?

 A. on Earth only B. in all states of matter C. in all forms of energy 

D. in radioactive substances only

Answer B is correct because matter is made of atoms. 


In which state of matter do molecules move around freely and quickly?

What is gas?


Josephine collected a bucket of seawater from her local beach. She wanted to determine the amount of salt that was dissolved in the ocean water. Which would be the best way for Josephine to separate the salt from the water?

A. Stir the water for a long time. The salt will come together as a large crystal.

B. Leave the seawater out in the sun for a long time, the water will evaporate.

C. Leave the seawater in a dark cool place, the salt will sink to the bottom.

D. Freeze the seawater, the salt will float to the top.

Answer B is correct because the water will evaporate and leave the salt behind.


Nanette and Adi would like to add a sandbox to their school’s playground. They began by comparing the properties of different samples of sand. They have recorded the colors and described the sizes of the particles. Which is another property of the samples that they could observe without using a measuring tool? A. mass B. texture C. volume D. temperature



Lucas fills a balloon with air. When he squeezes the balloon, it changes shape. What happens to the volume of air inside the balloon when he squeezes it?

The volume of air inside the balloon remains the same, but the air is compressed, changing the balloon's shape.


If you have two objects, one is heavier than the other, what does this tell you about their mass?

The heavier object has more mass than the lighter one, meaning it contains more matter.


What happens to the molecules in a solid when it melts into a liquid?

What do they gain more energy and start moving around more?


Emily has two different-shaped containers. One is tall and narrow, and the other is short and wide. If both containers hold the same amount of water, how can they have different shapes but the same volume?

They can have different shapes because volume measures the space inside an object, and different shapes can occupy the same amount of space.


Gathika and Philippe made a list of properties of matter. They included mass, volume, color, texture, temperature, flexibility, and magnetic attraction. These properties of matter can be used in different ways. What is one thing that CANNOT be done by directly observing these kinds of properties?A. Identify a substance.B. Compare two substances.C. Change one substance into another.D. Classify a substance as a solid, liquid, or gas.

Answer C is correct because properties are not used to change one substance into another. 


Tom has a toy that weighs 150 grams. If he has 3 of these toys, what is the total weight of all the toys combined?



Mia has a feather and a stone. When she holds them, the feather feels much lighter than the stone. What does this tell her about the mass of the feather compared to the stone?

It tells her that the feather has less mass than the stone, meaning it contains less matter.


Explain why a gas can fill a container of any size while a solid cannot.

Gases have molecules that are far apart and move freely, allowing them to expand and fill the space, while solids have tightly packed molecules that keep them in a fixed shape.


What happens when a solid dissolves in a liquid, and can you give an example of a solid that dissolves in water?

When a solid dissolves in a liquid, it breaks down into tiny particles that mix with the liquid and become invisible. An example of a solid that dissolves in water is table salt.


At a school carnival, Suki watched a clown fill balloons from a metal tank of helium gas. She never knew that helium balloons could be filled from a tank like this. She had no clue that gasses could be held in a tank, she’s only seen gases in balloons. Which property of the helium gas changes as it moves into the balloons? A. color.   B. mass.   C. smell.   D. volume 

Answer D is correct because gases do not have definite volume. The gas expands as it fills the balloons. 


A chef has two pots of soup. One is full, and the other is half full. How does the amount of soup in each pot affect how long it takes to heat them up?

The full pot will take longer to heat up because it has more volume and requires more energy to reach the same temperature as the half-full pot.
