What is precipitation.
Carbon in the atmosphere is most often in this form.
What is carbon dioxide?
This gas taken in by plants
What is carbon dioxide?
Most of the atomosphere is made of this gas.
What is nitrogen?
When water vapor turns into a cloud.
What is condensation?
Carbon dioxide is this type of a gas.
What is a greenhouse gas?
The reactants of photosynthesis.
What is water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight?
All animals get their nitrogen from this.
What is eating?
When water flows back to the ocean.
What is runoff?
True or false: all carbon in the atmosphere comes from natural sources.
The products of photosynthesis.
What are glucose and oxygen.
When bacteria turn nitrogen back into a gas.
What is denitrification?
When water turns into a gas from the leaves of plants.
What is transpiration?
True or false: As the amount of carbon dioxide in the air increases, Earth's temperature also increases.
How does photosynthesis affect climate change?
Photosynthesis absorbs CO2 - a greenhouse gas - from the atmosphere.
A natural process that turns gets nitrogen into the soil by turning nitrogen gas into nitrate without the use of bacteria.
What is lightning?
When ice turns into a gas
What is sublimation?
True or false: Carbon dioxide is the only greenhouse gas.
Plants use photosynthesis to create this energy storage molecule.
What is glucose (sugar)?
When bacteria turn nitrogen from the air into ammonium.
What is nitrogen fixation?