States of Matter
Properties of Matter
Chemical or Physical
Conservation of Matter
EOG ??'s

Has a definite volume but not a definite shape

What is a liquid?


_______ measures how much space matter takes up.

What is volume?


A change in the size, shape, or state of matter is known as a?

A) chemical change

B) physical change

C) chemical reaction

D) electron change

What is a physical change (B)?


The law that matter cannot be created or destroyed? 

What is law of conservation of matter? 


What is the BEST example of a new substance forming?

A) lighting a match       B) cutting a piece of paper

C) popping a balloon    D) hitting a nail with a hammer

What is lighting a match(A)?


Draw the particle arrangements for a solid, liquid, and gas.

What is Miss P says you are RIGHT?


In a jar containing several liquid layers, the most dense liquid is found?

A) floating at the top

B) in the middle layer

C) settled at the bottom

D) Mixed throughout the cylinder

What is settled at the bottom?


Which of the following is NOT an example of a chemical change?

A) burning match

B) a car rusting

C) baking a cake

D) melting ice

What is melting ice (D)?


Lamonte is doing a science experiment. They have a jar full of 10 grams of sugar. They add 5 grams of a mystery chemical. When the two are mixed, they create a new solid and no gases. The container is very hot. How many grams of the new substance should be in the jar at the end of the experiment? 

A) 12 grams                    B) 10 grams

C) 15 grams                    D) 5 grams

What is 15 grams (C)?


Students observed a piece of iron change from shiny to rusty. What caused this change?

A) a chemical reaction        B) a heat reaction 

C) a cold reaction              D) a physical reaction 

What is a chemical reaction (A)?

In what state do molecules move extremely quickly and by bouncing off each other
What is a gas?

In a jar containing several liquid layers, the least dense liquid is found?

A) floating at the top

B) in the middle layer

C) settled at the bottom

D) Mixed throughout the cylinder

What is a floating at the top?


Which of these is not an example of a physical change?

A) chopping an onion

B) frying an egg

C) melting snow

D) boiling water

What is frying an egg? (B)


The number of water molecules in a small amount of water is a very big number! There are about 1.5 sextillion molecules in a single drop! If you boiled one drop of water until it was completely in gas form, how many molecules would be in the water vapor?

A) more than 1.5 sextillion molecules

B) 0 molecules

C) less than 1.5 sextillion molecules

D) 1.5 sextillion molecules

What is 1.5 sextillion molecules (D)?


One morning, Jane notices drops of water on the outside of a window. Later in the day, she notices that the drops have disappeared. What most likely caused the drops to disappear? 

A) The water condensed on the plants around the house. 

B) Energy from the sun caused the water to evaporate.

 C) The water cooled enough to turn into water vapor.

 D) Wind blowing on the window turned the water into vapor.

What is energy from the sun caused the water to evaporate (B)? 


When liquid water is placed in a freezer, the particles move:

A) slower and closer together

B) faster and farther apart

C) slower and farther apart

D) faster and closer together

What is slower and closer together (A)?


A glass marble and a piece of cork of the same shape and size are dropped in water. Which of the following explains correctly why the glass marble sinks while the cork piece floats on water?

A) The glass marble is denser than water while the cork is less dense than water.

B) The glass marble is less dense than water while the cork is denser than water.

C) The glass marble and the cork are both denser than water.

D) The glass marble and the cork are both less dense than water.

What is the glass marble is denser than water while the cork is less dense than water?


Which of the following is a sign that a chemical reaction has occurred?

A) change in shape

B) melting

C) formation of a gas

D) dissolving

What is formation of a gas (C)?


In which of these situations does the some of the matter disappear, instead of changing forms?

A) a large log burns away to a small amount of ash

B) sugar disappears when mixed with water

C) none of these 

D) all of these 

What is none of these (C)?


Two liquids are poured together, and a solid substance forms with no liquid remaining. Liquid 1 has a mass of 200 grams, and liquid 2 has a mass of 100 grams. What would be the total mass of the solid substance formed?

A) 100 grams            B) 150 grams

C) 250 grams            D) 300 grams 

What is 300 grams (D)?


Change of state from a solid directly to a gas is called

A) deposition           B) melting

C) evaporation         D) sublimation

What is sublimation (D)?


Miss P wants to classify matter based on a physical property. She uses a triple beam balance. What property is she measuring?

A) volume

B) density

C) magnetism

D) mass

What is Mass (D)?


Which of the following is NOT a physical change?

A) explosion of fireworks

B) drying of wet laundry

C) freezing of water

D) shattering of glass

What is explosion of fireworks (A)?


The mass of a rock is measured with a balance. The rock is then broken into many smaller pieces and the total mass of all the pieces is measured again. Which of the following sentences about the mass is TRUE?

A) The mass of the rock will be greater than the total mass of the smaller pieces.

B) The mass of the rock will be less than the total mass of the smaller pieces.

C) The mass of the rock will be same as the total mass of the smaller pieces.

D) The mass of the rock will not be the same as the total mass of the smaller pieces.

What is the mass of the rock will be same as the total mass of the smaller pieces (C)?


A student notices that an inflated balloon gets larger when it is warmed by a lamp. Which best describes the mass of the balloon as a result of this change? 

A) The mass of the balloon increases because the size of the balloon has increased. 

B) The mass of the balloon increases because the temperature of the balloon has increased. 

C) The mass of the balloon stays the same because the gas inside the balloon still has the same mass after it warms up.

D) The mass of the balloon stays the same because warming decreases the mass enough to cancel out the effect of increasing the size.

What is the mass of the balloon stays the same because the gas inside the balloon still has the same mass after it warms up? (C)
