What part of the heart’s electrical system is known as the "backup pacemaker"
Atrioventricular Node
In the presence of a cardiac arrest, what action should be performed to assist the heart to pump?
Dose of ASA administered for chest pain
324 mg
This organ provides oxygen rich blood to the body, brain and cardiac muscle
Equipment necessary to return the heart to a viable rhythm
Automated External Defibrillator
These vessels provide oxygen rich blood back to the heart
Coronary Arteries
The most common sign and symptom of a cardiac event
Chest Pain
This gas is also considered a medication and administered at 1-4 lpm
This medical acronym does not describe a "leafy green vegetable"
This dangerous cardiac rhythm is sometimes referred to as “a bag of worms”
Ventricular Fibrillation
This body of specialized muscle fibers resides in the right atrium and initiates every heartbeat
Sinoatrial Node
Term used for when the heart is no longer beating
Cardiac Arrest
This isotonic fluid is indicated and administered when treating chest pain.
Normal Saline
Tiny sacs in the lungs were blood exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide
This cardiac rhythm indicates the heart is functioning in a normally
Sinus rhythm
This “three flap of cusp” valve is located between the right atrium and ventricle
Tricuspid Valve
Preformed early this can increase chances of survival in the event of cardiac arrest
Early Defibrillation
This nitrate is administered transdermal
Preforming this procedure can help to determined what part of the heart has been damaged during an MI
12 Lead EKG
This heart rhythm indicates the heart has ceased to function
This chamber of the heart pumps oxygenated blood through the aorta to the body
Proper name for a Heart attack
Myocardial Infarction
Dose for Nitrostat
The acronym used for this term indicates one or both sides of the heart is no longer functioning in a normal capacity which may lead to edema in lower extremities and or fluid build up in the lungs
Joules normally administered during defibrillation