These men traveled from the East to find Jesus (Matthew 2:1).
The Magi/ Wise Men
Jesus was born in this small town, just as the prophets said (Matthew 2:5-6).
The ruler of this area was troubled when he heard about Jesus (Matthew 2:3)
King Herod.
The Wise Men gave Jesus three gifts. Name them (Matthew 2:11)
Gold, Frankincense, and myrrh.
The Wise Men were warned in a dream not to return to this person (Matthew 2:12).
King Herod.
The Wise Men followed this to find Jesus (Matthew 2:2).
The prophet Micah said the Messiah would come from this place (Matthew 2:6).
King Herod pretended to want to do this to Jesus (Matthew 2:8).
Worship Jesus.
This gift symbolized Jesus' kingship.
God used this to lead the Wise Men to Jesus (Matthew 2:2)
The Wise Men first went to this city, thinking they'd find the King of the Jews (Matthew 2:1).
God's promise that Jesus would be worshipped by nations is shown by these visitors from far away.
The Wise Men.
Jesus is described as the "ruler" and "shepherd" for these people (Matthew 2:6).
God's People/ Israel.
This gift represented worship and Jesus' role as our High Priest.
God warned the Wise Men through this special way (Matthew 2:12).
A Dream.
The Wise Men wanted to worship Jesus because they called Him this (Matthew 2:2)
The King of the Jews
Herod's advisors used this part of the Bible to learn where the Messiah would be born (Matthew 2:5).
This reaction from King Herod when he heard about Jesus show's how some people reject Him. (Matthew 2:3)
Being disturbed/ troubled.
This gift pointed to Jesus' future death and burial.
The Wise Men listened to God's warning and returned to their country this way (Matthew 2:12)
A different route/ path.
This word describes how far the Wise Men traveled to find Jesus (Matthew 2:1).
A long journey/
The Wise Men fulfilled this prophecy from Isaiah by bringing gifts, and bowing to the king (Isaiah 60:3, Matthew 2:11)
The nations coming to worship Jesus.
Jesus being born in Bethlehem reminds us that God uses small and humble places for this purpose (Matthew 2:6).
The Wise Men's gifts showed that Jesus was not just a baby, but this (Matthew 2:11)
The Messiah/ King
The Wise Men obeyed God instead of Herod, teaching us always to do this.