*DOUBLE JEOPARDY* John the Baptist was Jesus' ___________. (relative)
*RISK IT ALL* Who brought forth the Kingdom of Heaven?
Jesus, the Messiah, who brings it from Heaven to Earth
What did JTB wear?
Camels Hair and a leather belt
Why is Jesus' baptism unique?
He is SINLESS- so He didn't need to be baptized... it was a symbol
*DOUBLE JEOPARDY* What does satan's name literally mean?
"slanderer or accuser"
John the Baptist was the first _____ in over _____ years!
Prophet - 400
*RISK IT ALL* What type of Kingdom does Jesus bring?
*DOUBLE JEOPARDY* What does Baptism symbolize? (Hint: 3 things)
1. dying to power off sin 2. passing safely through death and judgement 3. new life in Christ
Why did Jesus get baptized?
to identify with sinners and show that He was willing to suffer and die for them
*RISK IT ALL* What are the 3 temptations of Jesus- IN ORDER?
1. turn rocks into bread 2. throw yourself off the temple and angels will catch you 3. bow before satan and he will give you the kingdoms of the world ... not true
*DOUBLE JEOPARDY* Where did John the Baptist preach and focus his ministry? (location)
The WILDERNESS (specifically Judea near the Jordan river- for baptisms)
John the Baptist is always compared to which Old Testament Prophet?
John the Baptist to Jesus, "I am not worthy to _______ _______ _______."
Carry Your (Jesus') sandles
*RISK IT ALL* WHO led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted? (think about it for a second)
The Spirit (Not satan, he tempted, he didn't lead Jesus)
*DOUBLE JEOPARDY* What words does Jesus use in response to satan at each temptation???
*RISK IT ALL* JTB always preached that the Kingdom of Heaven _________________ (is coming, has passed, is at hand, or doesn't exist)
*DOUBLE JEOPARDY* What was Joh the Baptists purpose?
PREPARE THE WAY for Jesus and to preach and baptize (BAPTIZE...John The BAPTIST...Get It????)
*DOUBLE JEOPARDY* What does a WINNOWING FORK do?/ What does it symbolize????
Separates wheat from chaff / believers from unbelievers (Fork Separated Food...Helpful Hints)
How long did Jesus fast?
40 days
*RISK IT ALL* Who were the first disciples called? What were their careers before becoming disciples? Which ones were in Jesus' inner circle? (NEED TO KNOW ALL 3 ANSWERS TO ANSWER)
Peter, Andrew, James, John.... Fishermen.... Peter, James, and John
*DOUBLE JEOPARDY* (T/F) In the second temptation, satan blatantly misuses Psalm 91- trying to trick Jesus
(T/F) Jesus didn't feel hunger when He fasted for 40 days...
FALSE- (Fully Man Fully God - He Relates To Us)
(T/F) JTB immediately wanted to baptize Jesus.
FALSE, he didn't feel worthy... cause Jesus is God... ya know?
*DOUBLE JEOPARDY* (T/F) Jesus healed people and proclaimed the Gospel during His 3 years in ministry, but He did NOT teach in the synagogues.
FALSE- He did ALL 3 :)
*RISK IT ALL* Jesus' fasting for 40 days symbolized a connection with what Old Testament event?
Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years