AMA stands for....
The American Medical Association
we use "_____" messages to express feelings
"I" messages
Name one way to practice managing stress in a healthy way..
-Manage time
Name one method you can use to better your "interpersonal communication."
-"I" messages
-Active listener
-Respectful communication
Healthy ways to reduce or handle your stresses is called..
-Stress management
Health skills are also sometimes called...
Life Skills
How many Health Skills are there?
Communication strategies that help you say no..
Refusal Skills
A series of short-term goals linked together can achieve a..
-Long-Term goal
The "P" in H.E.L.P Strategy stands for what...
"P" = parent approval
What is another name for Health fraud?
Name one type of communication skill.
-Interpersonal communication
-Refusal Skills
-Conflict Resolution
the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes about what is important that help guide the way you live
The exchange of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs between two or more people is...
-Interpersonal communication
The goals you set and the decisions you make will determine your life's ________ & _________ .
-Purpose & direction
The "E" in the H.E.L.P. Strategy stands for..?
E = Ethical
The "L" in the H.E.L.P. Strategy stands for...
"L" = Legal
Advocacy allows you to _______ health knowledge and promote healthy behaviors
Developing a plan to achieve something you want is called..
-Goal Setting
Name one of the 5 refusal skills..
1. say "no" in firm voice
2. Explain
3. offer alternative
4. Stand ground
5. Leave if necessary
Accessing trustworthy health info is knowing how to _______ and ______ health information.
"Find" & "Evaluate"
Failure by a health professional to meet accepted standards
What are the first three steps in the decision making process?
1. State situation
2. List options
3. Weigh outcomes
This skill can help people resolve problems with each other..
-Conflict resolution
Name one of the criteria to consider when judging health products and services..
- cost
-other opinions
-consumer org product rating