Cobalt + Nickel + Carbon + Aluminum
What is Conical
This Shortcut method for proving triangles congruent is only used for right triangles
What is hypotenuse-leg
Our current vice president
Who is Kamala Harris
Who is Jim Parsons
This term means "water fearing"
What is hydrophobic
Bromine + Oxygen + Carbon + Carbon + Oxygen + Lithium
What Is Broccoli
The covering of a plane with figures so that there aren't any gaps or overlaps
This vice president killed Alexander Hamilton with a gun in a duel and was vice president for Thomas Jefferson
Who is Aaron Burr
This character in the show is lactose intolerant
Who is Leonard Hofstadter
This process in the body's main goal is to maintain equilibrium throughout an organism
What is homeostasis
Polonium + Lithium + Cerium
What Is Police
This is the trigonometric function for opposite side over hypotenuse
What is sine
This vice president had to resign because of kickbacks
Who is Spiro Agnew
In "The Scavenger Vortex" Howard and Amy both like this singer
Who is Neil Diamond
The weak electrostatic attractions between polar molecules
What are van der waals forces
Gallium + Sulfur + Oxygen + Lithium + Neon
What Is Gasoline
This is the center where all the altitudes meet
What is an orthocenter
Dr. Stephanie Barnett convinced Sheldon that he had an inflamed ?
What is larynx
This organelle in the cell only occurs in animal cells and helps with cell division
What is a centriole
Vanadium + Actinium + Astatine + Iodine + Oxygen + Nitrogen
What Is Vacation
This type of line in a circle intersects the circle at two places
What is a secant
This vice president married one of his slaves and was vice president for Martin Van Buren
Who Is Richard Mentor Johnson
Leonard gave Sheldon a batman ? when Sheldon was kicked off of the physics bowl team
What is a cookie jar
This man was considered the father of microbiology
Who is Anton Van Leeuwenhoek