Methods & approaches
Ethnographer's glossary
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(un)ethical research

An ethnographic method of data collection that requires an immersion into a culture or demographic, usually over an extended time period

 What is participant observation?


A term used to describe the target demographic of an anthropological study

What is a focus group?


Travis Jeppesen's "see you again in *****" is an ethnographic work on what capital city located in DPRK?

What is Pyeongyang?


An opinion, view or conclusion that is formed before appropriate analysis of data, information or evidence 

What is preconceived notion?


A convention under which a researcher is able to misinterpret acquired data through comparisons and conclusions deduced from personal, unrelated experiences.

what is cultural bias?


An ethnographic method of data collection which involves surveying the population through questionnaires. 

What is in-depth interview?


What adjective is a synonym to "well-rounded" and is a representation of interdisciplinary nature of ethnography? 

What is hollistic? 


In Knox's "Thinking Like a Climate" ethnographic work, what English city is used as a setting for data collection and criticism? 

What is Manchester?


A conflict in a person's logic that ends up discrediting, challenging or contradicting the speaker's logic?

What is a logical fallacy?


An action of collecting this fruit, which is also a way of data misrepresentation through inclusion of statistics aiming at benefitting the predetermined narrative/outcome

What is "Cherry picking"?


Malinowski - an ethnographer who is praised for his extensive use of this literary device in his written work on Native inhabitants of the island of New Guinea.

What is visual imagery?


Among other definitions, an adjective used to describe an anthropological text that is less literal in tone. Ursula Le Guin’s Speculative Anthropology can be described as such a text

What is thick?


In 1997, flight Virgin Airbus flight VS024 traveling from Los Angeles to London successfully survived a crash in this London airport.

What is Heathrow airport?


What adjective would be applicable to all ethnographic methods that require observation, analaysis and presentation of data?

What is Interpritive?


An action of using another person's craft, culture or other intangible belonging for sole personal gain of the author.

What is exploitation?


An ethnographic approach that relies on reflection and deep analysis of the author's own ethnographic account and data collected from oneself. 

What is an autoethnography?


An area of study in anthropology that focuses on the impact of early human societies on eco systems

What is Anthropocene Anthropology? 


in 1974 Katherine Verderey arrived in this Warsaw pact country to serve as a spy for the US intelligence under name Vera. 

What is Romania?


A philosophy that combines the way to run a government legally with consideration of factors affecting a government's efficiency stemming from society? 

What is governing?


An action of assuming and representing another person's culture unauthentically in spite of gaps in knowledge or understanding of the said culture. 

What is cultural appropriation?


A term used to describe the study of relationships between signifiers and signified within systems such as language.

What is semiotics (semiotic approach)?


All ethnographic works are written from a point of view of a person, what term is this

What is perspective?


a NON-ethnographic piece "model ducks" studies connection of modern science and indigenous knowledge systems in regards to rice farming in this country

What is Vietnam?

a philosophy that separates existence into 5 layers of interpreting reality: science, culture, mind, life and matte, with all layers combining into "the present". 

What is "tree of knowledge" system?


Unlawful exploitation and extraction of resources, culture and people of a demographic group by a foreign dominant power. 

What is Colonialism?
