What do we do before we begin our Bible story?
First Good technique?
Eye Contact
The purpose of Quiet time is....
to introduce children to a lifelong habit of time alone with God, time to rest.
How many transitions do you need before changing for a bible story?
What do we do before we begin our Bible Story?
(before we Pray)
Set Limits
A voice Technique?
Inflection, volume and tempo.
Quiet Time is not....
a Nap
Bible Story
What should you have open with you?
How do we allow the children to get the wiggles out?
Transition also, something wild to quiet.
Facial techniques?
Before Quiet Time begins I will remind each child...
This is not a time for talking, touching any one or playing with anything.
Bible Story
Why should we know the story well?
How many times do you repeat the Main Truth?
from 2-5 times.
Why pause in a story?
If a child is nervous or anxious during Quiet Time I will....
Lie beside them: Reassure them, perhaps by rubbing their back or arm: Leave the lights on,(or a night light).
Quiet Time will end with...
a puppet waking each child, beginning with the quietest child getting up first, Singing a hymn.
How can I get the children's attention back when they have wondered off? (give 2).
you could touch them, eye to eye contact.
Motion to co-leader to sit with that child.
What should we avoid in telling a Bible Story?
As a Quiet Time co-Leader I will...
Help distributes the mats or towels, lie next to a child who is struggling with remaining quiet. Help collect the towels at the end of Quiet Time.
During Quiet Time the children will...
lie down on towels,be encouraged to pray, recall scripture verse, an attribute of God, think about main truth, be expected to be still and quiet.