Primary colours
What are red, blue, yellow?
Planet closest to the sun
What is Mercury?
Planet closest to Earth's moon
What is earth?
Colour of Grant's white horse
Highest mountain above sea level...on earth
What is Mt. Everest?
Slightly clumsy at times
Who is Nole?
Quietly hiding under a hoodie
Who is Tommy?
Draws...a lot!
Who is Wesley?
In major debt...
Who is Ashton?
Blows a times...a bit more recently...or....a lot more recently...
Who is Mr. Holtz?
Who is Brayden?
Master tracer
Who is Carter?
5 second rule
Who is Kira?
Shorter member of the scientific moisture retention team
Who is Luka?
"I hate my life!!!"
Who is Keenan?
Sees no need for spectacles...
....would rather squint.
Who is Zuri?
Freakish about Fortnite
Who is Zander?
Newest addition
Who is Clayton?
Red/Blue or Blue/Red?
Who is Jean-Guy?
Kentucky fried leg...
Who is Sierra?
"I'm done!"
Who is Kayden?
"I'm feeling triggered!"
Who is Calleigh?
Quietly sweeping
Who is Heath?
Who is Austin?
"Mr. Holtz..."
...2 minutes later...
"Mr. Holtz..."
...2 minutes later...
Who is Braedi?