Victoria Day
Mothering Facts
All About May
Good Ole' Farm
Star Wars Villians

Why do Canadians celebrate Victoria Day?

This holiday was created to honour the reigning monarch, Queen Victoria, when Canada became its own country.

In 1957, this day was also named as the official birthday of Queen Elizabeth II in Canada (despite her real birthday falling on April 21). 


Which flower is most often considered the symbol of Mother’s Day?

The rose.

If you give red roses to your Mom, you signify respect and undying love. This is the most traditional and popular choice.


Why are infants born in May unique?

A) More female infants are born in May than in any other month
B) More male infants are born in May than in any other month
C) They are an average of 200 grams heavier at birth than children born in any other month
D) They have an adult IQ an average of 5 points higher than children born in any other month

B) They are an average of 200 grams heavier at birth than children born in any other month. 

One would think that January sees the heaviest babies given all the holiday eating but this is untrue. May is actually the month that sees the heaviest babies born. Usually about an average of 200 grams heavier than any other month.

What color is a John Deere tractor?
John Deere tractors are known for their GREEN AND YELLOW coloring. However, the first John Deere was actually red. John Deere was the inventor of the successful steel plow in 1837. By 1841, John Deere was manufacturing up to 75 steel plows a DAY. The decision to "Brand" all of Deere's equipment green and yellow was finalized by 1910, when all of the "Many Brands" that Deere owned were consolidated into "Deere & Company", which became the new company name.

This villain isn't just the best villain of the "Star Wars" universe, he's one of the best in film history. The mystery surrounding him in "A New Hope" elevated his persona, and the "I am your father" reveal in "Empire Strikes Back" cemented his legacy.

A) Darth Vader
B) Captain Phasma
C) Supreme Leader Snoke

B) Darth Vadar


What do most people consider Victoria Day the start of?

The beginning of summer is often associated culturally with Victoria Day!

Although the official first day of summer is actually in June. Many people use the weekend to plant flowers or to take a vacation. This cultural summer season traditionally lasts until Labor Day which is the first Monday of September.


What is the Highest Recorded Number of Children born to one mother?
A) 10
B) 17
C) 37
D) 69

The highest officially recorded number of children born to one mother is 69. She gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets, and four sets of quadruplets. A whopping 67 of them survived infancy. 


Which two signs of the zodiac share the month of May? 

A) Capricorn and Gemini
B) Aries and Taurus
C) Taurus and Libra
D) Gemini and Cancer
E) Taurus and Gemini

E) Taurus (April 20-May 20) and Gemini (May 21-June 21)

True or False...Both female & male mammals have the ability to produce milk?
FALSE, milk is produced by the mammary glands of female animals...just checking to see if you are paying attention ;)

He may come off as a spoiled brat, but this villain’s temper tantrums are a key part of his personality. He has a lot of anger inside of him that he constantly struggles with -should he embrace the Dark Side, or turn toward the light?

A) Unkar Plutt
B) Kylo Ren
C) Darth Vader

B) Kylo Ren


What modern wedding tradition is often attributed to Queen Victoria?

White wedding dresses!

Until that point, most women wore bright colorful dresses on their wedding day that could be recycled for other occasions. 


What is the shortest interval between two children from the same mother with two different pregnancies?

Approx. 7 months.

Jayne Bleackley is the mother who holds the record for the shortest interval between two children born in separate confinements. She gave birth to Joseph Robert on September 3, 1999, and Annie Jessica Joyce on March 30, 2000. The babies were born 208 days apart. 


Which day takes place on May 1st every year and is often associated with flowers and dancing?

May Day! 

Traditionally a celebration (or festival) of spring and the resurrection of nature after the winter months, it is normally associated with flowers, dancing and Maypoles, with celebrations sometimes including the crowning of a ‘May King’, or ‘Queen’. 


What was meant by "Spring Chicken" in the early 1900's?

A) A young female chicken

B) An old female chicken

C) A young male chicken 

D) An old male chicken?

C) A young male chicken..."Spring chickens" were a byproduct of the egg industry. They were sold while they were still young and tender, usually under 3 lbs. 


He somehow managed to gain a role as a representative for his people in the Galactic Senate. In this role, this villain encourages the Senate to grant Palpatine emergency powers that ultimately give Palpatine the ability to carry out his dominance as Darth Sidious. 

A) Max Rebo
B) Salacious B. Crumb
C) Jar Jar Binks

Jar Jar Binks 


How many assassination attempts was Queen Victoria the subject of?

At least 6 serious attempts were made on her life.


What is the longest interval between two children from the same mother?

41 years and 185 days apart.

Elizabeth Ann Buttle is the mother who holds the record for the longest interval between the birth of two children. She gave birth to Belinda on May 19,1956 and Joseph on November 20, 1997. The babies were born 41 years 185 days apart. The mother was 60 years old when her son Joseph was born.


Which holiday was made official on May 9th, 1914? 

Mother's Day. 

While Mother’s Day unofficially began in the United States in 1908 with Anna Marie Jarvis, who wanted to commemorate her own mom’s Mother’s Day Work Clubs, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed May 9, 1914, the first Mother's Day.


What is the largest crop for the Americas?

A) Wheat
B) Corn
C) Beans
D) Beets

A) Wheat! 

Wheat is a grass widely cultivated for its seed, a cereal grain which is a worldwide staple food. World trade in wheat is greater than for all other crops combined.


We know little about this villain based on his one movie appearance, "The Phantom Menace," but he makes a big impact in the little time we see him. For starters, he has the coolest lightsaber, by far. And he manages to kill Qui-Gon Jinn.

A) Darth Maul
B) Unkar Plutt
C) Count Dooku

A) Darth Maul


How long have Canadians been celebrating Victoria Day as a federal holiday? 

120 years! 

It became an annual holiday in 1901 after the death of Queen Victoria at the age of 81. It was celebrated before becoming an official holiday, being observed since 1845.

What day is the most popular day of the week in which to have a baby?
Tuesday is the most popular day of the week in which to have a baby, with an average of more than 12,000 births taking place on Tuesdays during 2001.

Which 2 flowers are considered the flowers of May?

Hawthorn and Lily of the Valley.

Hawthorn represents hope and supreme happiness, whereas Lily of the Valley signifies sweetness, humility, and a return to happiness 


TRUE OR FALSE...Goats milk is the most consumed milk in the world?

True, there are many types of dairy goats such as, alpine, LaMancha and Nubian. More people drink goats milk than any other animals milk. Dairy goats should be fed a lot of grass, hay and grain to ensure good nutrition.


This character isn't afraid to blow up an entire planet to get what he wants and send a message. This villain is ruthless and cunning — everything you could want in a good villain. Is it: 

A) General Grievous
B) Grand Moff Tarkin
C) Kylo Ren

B) Grand Moff Tarkin
