🌼Buzzing Bees🐝
🌹Memorial Day🌹
🏥Noble Nurses🏥
🩸Red Cross🩸
🐶Playful Pets🐱

What do bees get from flowers that they use to make honey?


Honey starts as flower nectar collected by bees, which gets broken down into simple sugars stored inside the honeycomb. The design of the honeycomb and constant fanning of the bees' wings causes evaporation, creating sweet liquid honey. Honey's color and flavor vary based on the nectar collected by the bees.



What is the name of the National Cemetery where the Memorial Day honor wreath laying ceremony takes place?

Bonus: What is the name of the Tomb where the wreath is placed in this cemetery? 

Arlington National Cemetery

The Memorial Day Observation Ceremony at Arlington includes a prelude from the United States Marine Corp band, a full honor wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and an observance ceremony. Usually the President of the United States attends the event, which is free and opened to the public.

Bonus: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier


What are some things that nurses do? 

Nurses have many duties, including caring for patients, communicating with doctors, administering medicine and checking vital signs. 

Simply put, nurses are life-savers. There are more than 3 million registered nurses in the United States. In fact, nurses outnumber doctors 3:1 in the health care industry. While doctors often specialize in one area, nurses are able to coordinate the care for all aspects of a patient’s overall health. Gone are the days when nurses act like the doctors’ handmaidens; today, they are equally responsible for the overall care of the patient.


What is the role of the Red Cross?

The Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides comfort to people affected by disasters; supplies a large portion of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; distributes international humanitarian aid; and supports veterans, military members and their families. 

The Red Cross, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavors—in its international and national capacity—to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples. 


What do you think are the most common pets in America? 

The most common pets are Dogs (65.1 million households), Cats (46.5 million households), Freshwater fish (11.1 million households), Small animals such as hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, mice and ferrets (6.7 million households), and Birds (6.1 million households).

Embarking on the delightful journey of pet ownership is a decision filled with joy, companionship, and a touch of mischief. Choosing the right pet that aligns with your lifestyle and preferences is crucial. What pet would you choose if you could have any? 


True or False: Bees have 2 eyes. 

False, they have 5 eyes!

The two eyes on the sides of the head help a bee detect objects from different angles. However, the most interesting thing about bees having five eyes is that the top three in the middle of the head help the bee see differently. The bee’s middle eyes are there to help detect UV markers from the flowers. These help them land safely and get the nectar they need. 


True or False: Memorial Day was originally known as Ornament Day. 

False, it was known as Decoration Day! 

The event became an annual tradition, and the name shifted as decades passed and the United States fought in more wars. Congress made May 30 a national holiday in 1889. After World War I and World War II, Memorial Day became the more common name for the occasion than Decoration Day to honor the veterans of all U.S. armed conflicts. For example, in a May 22, 1950, proclamation, President Harry Truman described Memorial Day as an occasion that “has long been set aside for paying tribute to those who lost their lives in war.” 


The four primary vital signs are body ________, blood ________, ______ rate and respiratory rate. 

Body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate!

In the U.S., in addition to the above four, many providers are required or encouraged by government technology-in-medicine laws to record the patient's height, weight, and body mass index. In contrast to the traditional vital signs, these measurements are not useful for assessing acute changes in state because of the rate at which they change; however, they are useful for assessing the impact of prolonged illness or chronic health problems. The definition of vital signs may also vary with the setting of the assessment. Emergency medical technicians (EMTs), in particular, are taught to measure the vital signs of respiration, pulse, skin, pupils, and blood pressure as "the 5 vital signs" in a non-hospital setting.


True or False: A businessman got the idea to create the Red Cross Organization while on his way to meet Napoleon III.


On his journey to meet Napoleon III in 1859, the businessman Henry Dunant witnessed a bloody battle in present-day Italy. What he saw horrified him: men were left to die in agony without medical aid. This sparked his vision for impartial medical volunteers, who helped the wounded no matter what side of the war they were on. Clara Barton was the founder of the American Red Cross several decades later.


True or False: Keeping a raccoon as a pet is illegal in New York. 


Animals like lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, pumas, panthers, mountain lions, cheetahs, cougars, bobcats, lynxes, and other undomesticated cats as well as ferrets, weasels, minks, badgers, wolverines, skunks, mongooses, squirrels, raccoons, and bats are all illegal in New York State. 


What do bees carry on their legs, transferring it from flower to flower to fertilize them?

a. Seeds

b. Pollen

c. Petals

d. Nectar

b. Pollen

To collect and transport pollen, honey bees mix pollen particles with regurgitated nectar and form the mixture into pellets, which cling their hind legs. The honey bees then deposit the pellets into a cell within the hive by carefully scraping them off using their other legs. 


What city is known as the birthplace of Memorial Day? 

a. Boston, Massachusetts

b. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

c. Waterloo, New York

d. Los Angeles, California

c. Waterloo, New York

The story of Memorial Day begins in the summer of 1865, when a prominent local druggist, Henry C. Welles, mentioned to some of his friends at a social gathering that while praising the living veterans of the Civil War it would be well to remember the patriotic dead by placing flowers on their graves. Nothing resulted from this suggestion until he advanced the idea again the following spring to General John B. Murray. Murray, a civil war hero and intensely patriotic, supported the idea wholeheartedly and marshalled veterans’ support. Plans were developed for a more complete celebration by a local citizens’ committee headed by Welles and Murray. 


Who was the first female nurse? 

a. Charlotte Bluebird

b. Florence Nightingale

c. Eleanor Hummingbird

d. Caroline Blackcap

b. Florence Nightingale 

She was born on 12 May 1820 in the Italian city of Florence, after which she was named. The second daughter in a prominent and wealthy British family, growing up it was clear Florence was devoted to serving others. As a teenager, she would spend time helping the sick and poor in the village near her family estate and believed nursing was her calling.



The Red Cross provides about how much of the United States' blood and blood components? 

a. 15%

b. 40%

c. 75%

d. 100%

b. 40%

Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. It is essential for surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. Whether a patient receives whole blood, red cells, platelets or plasma, this lifesaving care starts with one person making a generous donation. The Red Cross provides about 40% of our nation’s blood and blood components, all from generous volunteer donors. But supply can’t always meet demand because only about 3% of age-eligible people donate blood yearly. Each new donor helps us meet patient needs. 


What percentage of American households have pets?

a. 32%

b. 50%

c. 66%

d. 91%

c. 62%

Surprisingly, despite being the most common pet, dogs are the most difficult to care for. They need their own food and water bowls, a leash, a collar, tags, a microchip (for additional security) toys and exercise! They also need to be housebroken, leash trained, crate trained and taught not to chew or bark incessantly. The least difficult to care for? Fish! Specifically goldfish or non-tropical species.


What do honey bees do to share information about the best food source locations? 


Honey bees are also brilliant boogiers! To share information about the best food sources, they perform their ‘waggle dance’. When the worker returns to the hive, it moves in a figure-of-eight and waggles its body to indicate the direction of the food source. 


Memorial Day is held in May so which specific flowers will be in bloom to decorate soldiers' graves? 


National Poppy Day is observed each year the Friday before Memorial Day. The tradition of wearing a red poppy began following the deadly battles of World War I. It’s not just a symbolic flower in the United States, but around the world. It all started after red poppies bloomed on the battlefields in France and Belgium. Canadian Lt. Col. John McCrae, M.D., wrote the poem “In Flanders Fields” while serving on the front lines.


What is CPR? What is the acronym CPR short for? 

CPR is an emergency lifesaving procedure performed when the heart stops beating. Immediate CPR can double or triple chances of survival after cardiac arrest. CPR stands for CardioPulmonary Resuscitation.

 For healthcare providers and those trained: conventional CPR using chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth breathing at a ratio of 30:2 compressions-to-breaths. In adult victims of cardiac arrest, it is reasonable for rescuers to perform chest compressions at a rate of 100 to 120/min and to a depth of at least 2 inches for an average adult, while avoiding excessive chest compression depths (greater than 2.4 inches). Anyone who's taken a CPR class has also heard that The Bee Gees' “Stayin' Alive” is the perfect song for hitting the 100-120 beats per minute required for ideal chest compressions!


Which of these is not a service which the Red Cross offers?

1. Disaster Relief

2. Blood Supply

3. Assist in Fighting 

4. First Aid Training

3. Assist in Fighting

The Red Cross does not engage in fighting in times of conflict whatsoever. During armed conflict, the red cross emblem means “don’t shoot,” that this person, vehicle, building or equipment is not part of the fight but is providing impartial assistance. The emblem provides protection for military medical units, transportation of the wounded, and for the Red Cross's humanitarian aid. The global Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement—including the American Red Cross—utilizes the emblem to signify our promise of voluntary, neutral and impartial assistance to all people in need, regardless of race, religion or citizenship status.



What was the first domesticated animal which was kept as a pet? 


Genetic studies suggest that all ancient and modern dogs share a common ancestry and descended from an ancient, now-extinct wolf population – or closely related wolf populations – which was distinct from the modern wolf lineage. The dog's similarity to the grey wolf is the result of substantial dog-into-wolf gene flow, with the modern grey wolf being the dog's nearest living relative.



What is the role of each type of bee in the hive? 

1. Queen

2. Worker

3. Drone

1. The Queen Bee's function in the hive is one of production. She is normally the only reproductive female in the colony. At the height of her productivity, the queen could lay as many as 2000 eggs each day. 

2.  Worker bees form honeycombs, forage for nectar and pollen (later turning it into honey), tend to the larvae and queen's needs, remove debris and defend the hive. Workers are the smallest of the bee castes, but are by far the most numerous. All workers are female, and normally incapable of reproduction. 

3. Drones are the male honey bees. The only function of a drone is to fertilize a young queen bee. They are visibly larger and stouter than workers.


Memorial Day was first observed in 1868 to honor the soldiers lost in which war? 

The Civil War 

Memorial Day, as Decoration Day gradually came to be known, originally honored only those lost while fighting in the Civil War. This changed after World War I, and the holiday evolved to commemorate American military personnel who died in all wars, including World War II, The Vietnam War, The Korean War and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 


What do the following acronyms stand for? 

1. CNA

2. LPN

3. RN

4. HHA

1. CNA - Certified Nursing Assistant 

2. LPN - Licensed Practical Nurse 

3. RN - Registered Nurse

4. HHA - Home Health Aide


The two mottoes of the Red Cross movement are "inter arma caritas" and "per humanitatem ad pacem". What do these mean?

"Inter Arma Caritas" - "In War, Charity"

"Per Humanitatem Ad Pacem" - "Through Humanity to Peace"

The Red Cross' mission is more than words. They aim to prevent and relieve suffering with every action. The Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides comfort to people affected by disasters; supplies about 40% of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; distributes international humanitarian aid; and supports veterans, military members and their families. The Red Cross is not a government agency. The Red Cross is a registered nonprofit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to deliver its mission.


What are some unusual types of animals which people have as pets? What was your favorite pet that you had?

Some unusual animals that are kept as pets are capybaras, fennec foxes, squirrel monkeys, stick insects, hedgehogs, skunks, pygmy goats, spotted genets, sugar gliders and wallabies. 
