Location of Maya civilization...
Where is the Yucatan Peninsula?
Where did the Aztec build the capital of their civilization?
In Tenochtitlan in present-day Mexico.
Animal played an important role in the life and culture of the Inca...
What is a Llama?
The practice of believing in more than one god.
What is Polytheism?
Had a fully written language system using glyphs to represent words..
Who are the Maya?
You are hiking through the dense jungle of Guatemala and stumble upon the ruins of a Maya city, you will most like;y see...
What are Pyramids or Ball Courts?
Type of farming the Aztecs used
What are chinampas?
What mountain range runs through the middle of the Inca Empire?
Andes Mountains
A farming technique where the land on sides of mountains are cut to create even surfaces...
What are Terraces?
Used bridges and causeways to travel from their city to the valley.
Who are the Aztecs?
The type of farming the Maya did was drastically different than the Aztecs and Incas. The Maya adapted to their environment and were able to grow crops using this method...
What is slash and burn agriculture?
Spanish conquistador responsible for the demise of the Aztecs
Who is Hernan Cortez?
Modern day countries the Inca ruled...
Where is Ecuador, Peru, Chile?
Word for People that are native to the land
What is Indigenous?
The capital of this civilization was Cuzco..
Who are the Incas?
The reason why the Maya's dissapeared
No one truly knows, but most likely drought
Last Emperor of the Aztecs
Who is Monteczuma II?
Who conquered the Incas?
Francisco Pizzaro
The reasons for Spanish to conquer these territories (3 words)
What is God, Gold, Glory?
Civilization of the Americas that invented the number zero..
Who are the Maya?
This was the only ancient civilization to have a fully written language system using _________ to represent words
One reason the Aztecs waged war so often was...
Who is prisoners for human sacrifice?
Event happened to the Incas that made them vulnerable for being conquered..
What is Civil War?
The Maya used this as payment & trade....
What are cocao beans & or cowrie shells?
This civilization is known as the ____ and royal messengers who transported quipu's (a device of knotted strings) were called____
Who are the Inca?