What are the three major ancient civilizations?
The Mayas, Incas, Aztecs
Tenochtitlan, Mexico City
The Aztecs built their city here
Machu Pichu, Peru
The Incas ruins are located here.
What are calendars?
The Mayas were the first to use this to keep track of the stars and help name their kids.
Who is Morning Girl?
She loved to wake up before sunrise and understood the importance of family and respect.
What is farming?
They dependent on this for survival and even built floating island to help.
What are 10, 000 miles of roads
These were built and used by the Incas to send and get messages
Large stone head carvings
What is the cacao?
The bean found in the rain forest and turned into spicy drins with chilies
Who are the Tainos?
They are island people that live in Chiefdoms and Casiques are the leaders of people.
Pyramds were used as temples
Often scarifices were made on these larger structures made of stones
What is paying taxes?
Instead of paying these the Incas had to help build roads or do public work.
Who is Christopher Colombus
Traveled on the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria to explore Asia.
worshipping of gods
This was part of their beliefs and culture.
What is fishing?
The Tainos were experts at this and this helped them survie for years.
what is death
Loosing the game often resulted in this consequence
These where built to help with farming alond mountain sides
Romans and Greeks
Staues and vessels where found in America way before the arrival of Christopher Colombus
They used terraces to grow crops
Mayas were excellent farmers and used these to help them grow crops.
What is the Bahamas, or Canary islands?
This is one of places where Christopher is said to have landed first and conquered.
The Quetzalcoatl
The god who they believe created the world, formed human and help them grow corn.
These were found in Peru's ruins, very well presevered under many layers of cotton with many of their belongings.
Made a settlement but left
Vikings built this as proof that they had been here before Christopher Colombus.
what is Disappeared?
This is what happend after the arrival of the Europeans.