The character Sebastian appears in which Disney film?
The little mermaid
Who did Bella end up with in twilight?
This HBO series tells the story of a Telepath named Sookie Stackhouse, her brother Jason, her 1st love Vampire Bill and her Viking suitor Aeric.
True Blood
What Disney movie is this phrase from?
"I'd like to join your posse, boys, but first I'm gonna sing a little song."
Woody from Toy Story
The Hound (Sandor Clegane) flees Kings landing during the Battle of Blackwater in part due to what fear?
Who do the Cullen's "fight"?
This might be the longest running cartoon show in Spain.
The Simpsons
What movie features an old man who makes a puppet out of wood
Who is Jon Snow's real father?
Rhaegar Targaryen
Where do Bella and Edward go on their honeymoon?
Isle Esme
This show follows Chandler, Ross, Joey, Monica, Racheal and Phobie's lives in New York and is centered in a general meeting Coffee Spot called Central Perk.
What movie has the song, "there's something there that wasn't there before."
Beauty and the beast
Who does Bella call her "nudger"?
Renesmee or the baby
This SciFi drama tells the story of a group of boys and girls that have to fight a monster from a different dimension. In the latest season, the monster is called Vecna
Stranger Things
Black Panther is set in what fictional country?
Who is the captain of the lost boys?
Peter Pan
The Warlock of Qarth stole Daenerys dragons and took them where?
The house of the Undying
What country does Edward go to die in?
Jax Teller, Gema Morrow, Tara Knowles are all main characters on this Series about an Outlaw Motorcycle club in Charming CA
Sons Of Anarchy