Which organism is the #1 primary producer in the Tropical Oceans?
Rank the following in order of appearance in the fossil record: Fish, Dinosaur, Humans, Flowering plants, Sponges.
Fish, Sponges, Dinos, Flowering Plants, Humans
Denitrification results in the formation of what molecule?
N2 - Nitrogen gas
Which phylum does this belong to?
What percentage of species on planet earth live in the ocean?
Which of the following genus of kelp is commonly known as the feather-boa kelp?
Which era in Earth’s history has the fewest number of species?
Which forms of nitrogen is unusable by plants?
Ammonia and Nitrate
These two protists have calcium carbonate shells and their dead fossilized bodies make chalk (phylums)
Haptophyta & Foraminiferans
What are the 3 advantages of living in the ocean?
more space/ no desiccation / conditions are more stable
Which phylum of seaweed is represented by the giant kelp forests seen off our local coasts?
Brown Algae - Phaeophyta
During which era in Earth’s history did dinosaurs thrive?
Which form of nitrogen CANNOT be used by any living thing?
N2- nitrogen gas
This organism is responsible for red tides (phylum & common name)
Pyrrophyta - Dinoflagellates
What are the 4 disadvantages of living in the ocean?
Lack of: dissolved nutrients, dissolved gasses, light, and hydrostatic pressure
Which two planktonic organisms have their bodies made of glass?
Bacillariophyta & Polycystina
What event occurred 65 million years ago? How did it happen? What organisms benefited from the event?
______ Is the process of taking ammonia and turning it into nitrite then nitrate.
What are the organisms called that have a symbiotic relationship with coral? (name and their phylum)
Zooxanthelle & pyrrophyta
which animal is the closest relative to reptiles?
What is the pigment that is responsible for the red color of red algae?
What event occurred 250 million years ago? How did it happen? What organisms benefited from the event?
Which biomolecules use nitrogen as part of their composition?
DNA & Protein
What is the phylum & genus of this species?
phaeophyta & laminaria
What are the 4 reasons that the oceans are NOT home to the most diverse life on the planet? (why doesn't the ocean have more species than land?)
1. Fragmentation leading to geographical isolation
2. Lack variation so no selective pressures
3. Light and scent don't travel well - not a lot of sexual dimorphism
4. No flowering plants meaning no insects meaning less species