Jonah was swallowed by what creature?
What is a whale or a great fish.
The Book of James has this number of chapters?
What is 5?
This man baptized Jesus in the Jordan river?
Who is John the Baptist?
The Noah's flood takes place in this book?
What is Genesis?
The Lord called Jonah to go to this city and cry out against their wickedness?
What is Nineveh?
The statement "faith without works is dead", is located in this chapter?
What is the second chapter?
This was the first of 3 temptations which satan offered to Jesus while he was fasting in the wilderness?
What is to turn the stones into bread?
This book falls between Proverbs and Songs of Solomon?
What is the book of Ecclesiastes?
Jonah tried to flee by ship, to this city?
What is Tarshish?
James describes the untamable tongue in this chapter?
What is chapter 3?
The Sermon on the Mount begins in this chapter?
What is chapter 5?
This is the 5th book of the Old Testament?
What is Deuteronomy?
"Yet, ___ days and Nineveh shall be overthrown!"
What is 40?
James 2:14 states this,
What is "What does it profit my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?"
Jesus stated that a camel could accomplish this task easier than a rich man could enter into heaven?
What is pass through the eye of a needle?
The Book of Psalms has this number of chapters?
What is 150?
The people of Nineveh repent in this chapter of the book?
What is Chapter 3?
James says "to count it all joy when you fall into various trials" in this chapter?
What is chapter 1?
These 3 disciples were present to see Jesus transfigured on the mount?
Who are Peter, James, and John?
This is the last book of the old Testament?
What is the Book of Malachi?