Using computers, this is what "www" stands for.
What is world wide web?
This is the name of the first day of Lent.
What is Ash Wednesday?
correct=double the points
This is the minuend in the following:
What is 27?
This is the term that describes the form of government based on rule by the people.
What is democracy?
This is the branch of biology that studies animals.
What is zoology?
This is the country where towels were invented.
What is Turkey?
correct=double the points
This saint is said to have tamed a wild wolf.
Who is St. Francis?
correct=triple the points!!
D is 4 more than twice x. This is D if x= -3
What is -2?
correct=double the points
This was the first vice president of the US.
Who was John Adams?
This is the part of the human body that includes biceps and triceps.
What is the arm?
correct=double the points
This is the century in which William Shakespeare was born.
What is the 16th century?
This is a member of an enclosed religious order of women.
What are nuns or sisters?
correct=triple the points!
This is the answer to 7 times 3/7
What is 21/7 or 3?
correct=double the points
This is the literal translation of the term Renaissance.
What is rebirth?
correct=double the points
This is the planet that orbits the sun the fastest.
What is Mercury?
This is the Shakespearean character who said, "To be or not to be..."
Who was Hamlet?
correct=double the points
This is the official process that certifies sainthood.
What is canonization?
correct=quadruple the points!
This is 1/2 of 1/4 of 48.
What is 6?
This is the country the following cities are found:
Leerdam, Haarlem, Rotterdam, and Amsterdam
What is the Netherlands?
correct=double the points
This is the color of a flamingo at birth.
What is white?
correct=triple the points!
This is the correct way to write and spell the underlined name:
Mary whispering ruined the movie for everyone.
What is Mary's?
correct=double the points
This is Martha's brother who Jesus brought back from the dead.
Who was Lazarus?
correct=quadruple the points!
This is the solution for x in:
2x + 5=13
What is 4?
correct=double the points
These are the years the Black Death occurred.
What are 1346-1353?
1300s=regular points
one correct=double the points
both correct=triple the points
This is the name of the smallest display element of a video display screen.
What is a pixel?
correct=quadruple the points!!