Which character has a photographic memory?
Who is George Washington aka Sticky
How many pencils were the asked to bring to the test?
What is ONLY one pencil.
On Page 21, who said, "I'm afraid loud weeping is not permitted"?
Who is the Pencil Woman
What is George Washington's nickname?
What is Sticky
How many children have passed the test so far (up to page 67)?
What is three (Reynie, Sticky and Kate)
On page 37, who said, "So why do they call you sticky? You don't feel sticky." ?
Who is Kate Wetherall
Which character has a tutor he likes to read the advertisements with every morning?
Who is Reynard Muldoon aka Reynie
On page 58, How many minutes did it take Reynie to complete the maze on his first try?
What is six minutes and 14 seconds.
On page 45, who said this to Sticky, " Quit stalling, nothing's going to harm you in that room." ?
Who is Milligan
What is Reynard's tutor's name?
What is Miss Perumal.
On his second try (page 59), how many minutes did it take Reynie to get through the maze?
What is three minutes even
On page 54, who said, "Hi, kids! Remember me?" ?
Who is Rhonda Kazembe
Which character carries a red bucket full of many objects?
Who is Kate Wetherall
How many questions did the children have to answer correctly to pass the test? (page 20)
What is ALL of the questions.
On page 63, who said, "Congratulations, you all pass!" ?
Who is the pencil woman