Extraverts (E) gain energy from this.
What is interaction with others?
Sensing (S) individuals prefer information that is this.
What is concrete and factual?
Thinkers (T) prioritize this when making decisions.
What is logic (or objective analysis)?
This preference likes structure and organization.
What is Judging (J)?
CMSgt Thomas N. Barnes was the first African American to hold this position in the U.S. Air Force.
What is Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force?
Introverts (I) prefer to do this before acting.
What is think things through?
Intuitive (N) individuals focus more on this type of information.
What is patterns and possibilities?
Feelers (F) are more likely to base decisions on this.
What is personal values and emotions?
Perceiving (P) individuals prefer to do this when making decisions.
What is keep options open?
The state in which CMSgt Thomas N. Barnes was born in.
What is Pennsylvania?
This preference tends to act before thinking.
What is Extraversion (E)?
A Sensing (S) learner is more likely to enjoy this type of assignment.
What is a step-by-step procedure (or hands-on activity)?
This type of person may be more likely to avoid conflict to maintain harmony.
What is Feeling (F)?
Someone who loves making schedules and following rules likely has this preference.
What is Judging (J)?
The year CMSgt Barnes was appointed the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force?
What is 1973?
An Introvert (I) in a large, high-energy classroom may need this to recharge.
What is alone time (or quiet reflection)?
This preference enjoys theoretical concepts and big-picture ideas.
What is Intuition (N)?
If a student prefers fairness over considering emotions, they likely have this preference.
What is Thinking (T)?
This preference prefers spontaneity and adapting to change.
What is Perceiving (P)?
The year CMSgt Barnes joined the Air Force.
What is 1949.
In a team project, an Introvert (I) and an Extravert (E) may struggle with communication because of this key difference in their working style.
What is the Extravert (E) prefers verbal brainstorming, while the Introvert (I) prefers quiet reflection before sharing ideas?
If a student prefers "what is" over "what could be," they likely have this preference.
What is Sensing (S)?
A teacher using T vs. F dynamics in the classroom should balance these two approaches.
What are logical reasoning and emotional awareness?
A classroom with mostly Judging (J) students may struggle with this.
What is flexibility (or last-minute changes)?
After retirement, what sport did CMSgt Barnes participate in?
What is rodeo sport of team penning?