Working Profile
Make 20 comments with a question on your profile.
Niche Specific Group
Find 3 Niche specific groups to join.
EX. Mom, fishing, outdoor, food, etc.
Send out New Friend messages
Add Friends
Add 10 Friends from suggest friend list
Group Convo Starter
Make a simple conversation starter in one of your groups that is genuine
Make a relatable profile post
Make a post with a picture of you!
Group Newsfeed interaction
Interact on Group Newsfeed interaction for 20 comments
Messaging from comments
Take the last 1-2 relateable posts on your profile. Message anyone who commented on the posts.
Friends List
unfollow all of MC from friends list
Open story archives and do follow up from this year with any votes/comments/reactions
Create 5 story polls to post today (2 Relatable and 3 school related)
Group Engagement
Open 5 different groups in different tabs. Do engagement as you look for new friends to add.
Active Contact messaging
Messaging 5 active contact about our fall enrollments!
Friends from convo starter
Add 5-10 friends from your last conversation starter
Vtiger Inquires
pull vTiger inquiries for all of this year (January 1st to today) and sort by created date
School Post
Create a school post to make in 4-5 hours after first post.
School Posts follow-ups
Go back to school posts from the past week and maximize opportunity on all posts!
Did they open your initial message? If not send follow-up comment and double tag them.
Was the message delivered? Send a screenshot of the post if not delivered or if they left you on read)
Random Letter Messaging
Type two Letters in your friends list and message the first 10 people who have those 2 letters. Cater the conversation to your last message.
Ex. Ca
Asking for Referrals
Send referral messages to those who haven't responded or said they weren't interested asking if they would make a post for you!
Appointment Offerings
Go to 3 appointments offered last week and work their profile. Send them a message catered to the conversation.
Appointment Reminders
Send appointment reminders for tomorrow and work profiles of any appointments left for the week/next week.
Group School Post
Post in a group (tag city)
Hey GROUP NAME! I work in College Admissions!
Who here would be interested in an online certificate program for Pharmacy Technician, Medical Assisting, or Medical Billing, and Coding?
Vtiger Follow-ups
Go to last month's inquires and send follow-ups.
Birthday Messages
Send birthday messages
Keyword searching inbox
Keyword searching (Medical, Business, IT, appointment, 30 minutes, etc..) Appointment offering verbiage.