What is one of the six reasons why students choose to come to community college?
What is affordable, flexible, local, career exploration, quality education, tons of support?
The amusement park located across from Mission College.
Students who are interested in being a firefighter should join this program.
What is Fire Protection Academy?
What is one of the four things you can get for free through our Mission Cares Program?
What is VTA Bus Pass, Childcare, Groceries, Parking?
Meet with a ______ regularly to ensure your on track and ready to transfer.
What is a counselor?
Two kinds of degrees you can earn at a Community College
What is Certificate and Associates
What is a semester system?
3-tiered program for students interested in this career.
What is nursing?
The program that gives first-time, full-time college students two years of free tuition.
What is the Mission Promise Program?
Guaranteed admission to a CSU.
What is an AA-T?
This makes Community College cheaper/cost free.
What is financial aid?
One of two places that Mission College offers for students to study abroad.
What are Italy and Costa Rica?
Mission College offers this many certificates and programs.
What is 70+?
Students can grab free groceries here every week on campus.
What is the Mission Market?
Guaranteed admission to a UC.
What is the TAG program?
Many students choose to ______ from Mission to a 4-year university to earn their Bachelor's degree.
What is Transfer?
Students with IEP/504s' can receive accommodations from this support program.
What is DSPS?
Students interested in tourism, cooking, or baking will join this major.
What is Hospitality Management?
The number of therapy sessions available to students every semester.
What is 8?
What is one UC school you can't TAG?
What is UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego?
A Dual Enrollment Class you can take at Mission.
What is any class except Kinesiology?
The three cultural learning communities at Mission College.
What is Puente, Umoja, APIDA?
There are two centers on campus dedicated to this major.
What is Child Development?
Students interested in leadership will consider joining this program.
What is the Associated Student Government?
The units needed to transfer.
What are 60 transferable units?