Nursing Interventions

The most accurate route to check for a neonate's/infant's temperature is this.

What is rectal?


My baby was born at 36 weeks

What is Premature.


The off-label use of this medication to induce labor, its' name, dose, route, and frequency.

What is Misoprostol 25mcg vaginally every 4 hours times 5 doses?


An infant who is 28 days or less.

What is a neonate?


20-year-old non-English speaking patient admitted in active labor without emotional support. She's crying while standing in the hallway holding her large abdomen. You see that her pants are soaked in clear fluid. State your nursing interventions.

What are: show empathy, assist to room, obtain interpreter, assist changing into gown, plan on GBS protocol, start IV and obtain labs per protocol, vital signs, assessment, await further orders?


An neonate temperature of 35.9 C (96.62 F).

What is hypothermia (cold baby)?


"I got antibiotics during labor because I was positive." This is the antibiotics to include dose, route, frequency the patient was provided during labor if she is allergic to penicillin.

What is Group B Strep (GBS)? What is Cefazolin 2g IV once then 1g IV every 8 hours until delivery?


The two most commonly used antiemetics used during labor, their names, doses, routes, and frequencs.

What are:

Metoclopramide 10mg, IV or IM every hours PRN for nausea/vomitting 


Ondansetron 4-8mg IV push every 6-8 hrs PRN nausea/vomitting?


Upon assessment lesions are noted in the mouth. It is suspected that the neonate contracted this virus from the mother and an anti-viral medication is expected to be prescribed.

What is herpes simplex virus one (HSV-1) AND Acyclovir?


These four nursing interventions are provided to a patient after a non-complicated vaginal birth.

What are education, medication per provider's order, ice pack to the perineum, and sitz baths?


The following labs are known as: blood cultures from two different venipuncture sites, complete blood count with differential, C-reactive protein, urinalysis, urine culture, cerebral spinal fluid culture

What is a Septic Work Up.


"My baby had to stay in the hospital and they put her under blue lights."

What is Jaundice (Hyperbilirubinemia).


Anticipate 50mg intramuscular injection times one dose as needed of this medication for an extremely anxious and crying patient.

What is hydroxyzine?


The blood glucose of a hypoglycemic neonate is this.

What is less than of equal to 45 mg/dL.


These five nursing interventions are provided to a patient after a caesarean section.

What are education, medication per provider's order, incentive spironmenter/TCDB, abdominal splinting with a pillow/abdominal binder, and squential hose/TED hose.


Empirical evidence suggests these antibiotics to be started on septic neonates.

What is ampicillin and gentamicin?


"My baby hasn't eaten since 10pm last night." It's 4pm. 

What is check a blood glucose!


The most common pain medication provided to women in labor is this (name, dose, route, and frequency).

What is acetaminophen, 1000mg by mouth every 6 hours as needed for pain.


American Associates of Pediatrics guidelines states the highest prevalence of bacteremia is in this age range.

What is 0-22 days old?


Resuscitation efforts are underway for a 28-week neonate born vaginally. State your nursing interventions to the healthy but visibly upset grieving mom/patient.

What are preform your routine postpartum checks while providing empathic and compassionate care? If the neonate is still in the room, ensure the mom can see all care provided.


A latent condition that may develop 2 to 4 weeks after birth as a result of Group B Strep being overlooked/missed as a diagnosis. The usual symptoms include: lethargy, fever, loss of appetite, and bulging fontanelles from increased intracranial pressure. The survival rate is grim and those who do have nuerologial consequnces.

What is meningitis?


Mom states baby was born at 34 weeks due to infected fetal membranes after membranes had ruptured 20 hours prior to birth. 

What is Maternal History/History or Risk Factors for Sepsis.


This intravenous medication at a dosage of 30 units is diluted in 500mL of 0.9% normal saline and will cause uterine contractions.

What is oxytocin?


This makes neonates a high risk population.

What is an immature immune system, allowing for the potential of serious bacterial infection, lead to rapid deterioration?


Laboring mom with oxytocin 30 units in 500 mL 0.9% sodium chloride infusing frantically states that she cannot feel her baby move anymore. State your nursing interventions.

What are: turn off oxytocin infusion, place patient to left lateral postion, place oxygen via nonrebreather mask at 10L/min, initiate 500 ML Lactated Ringer's IV bolus, notify heath care provider STAT?
