This part of speech describes a noun.
What is an adjective?
You should do this before reading any passages/poems.
What is read the questions.
When is the ELA MCAS?
What is March 26th and 27th?
This tool allows you to mark an “X” through each answer option the student believes is incorrect.
What is the answer eliminator?
How many pieces of evidence should you include in your essay?
What is at least one from each excerpt?
You must use a ______ when writing a proper noun.
What is a capital letter?
What is...Hook, Overview, Thesis
This is how the reader feels while reading a piece of literature.
What is mood?
What is italicize or put it in quotation marks?
This part of speech takes the place of a noun, is more specific, and always starts with a capital letter.
What is a proper noun?
Remember to TAG your overview. What does TAG stand for?
What is Title, Author, and Genre?
When reading poetry, use SIFT to identify and analyze non-standard use of language. What does SIFT stand for>
What is...
Figurative Language
Which punctuation mark is used to set off parenthetical expressions or to indicate an abrupt change in thought within a sentence—commas, parentheses, or dashes?
What are dashes?
What type of essay allows you to use "I" statements?
What is a persuasive speech or letter?
How many essays will you write during the two days of ELA MCAS?
What is 3?