Central Idea/ Details
Powerful P's
Author's Purpose
Writing - CER

Anastasia sat by the fountain in the park with her head in her palms. She was weeping mournfully and her clothing was disheveled. In between gasps and sobs, Anastasia cried out a name: “Oh... John…” And then her cell phone beeped. Her hand ran into her purse and her heart fluttered. The text message was from John. She opened up the message and read the few bare words, “I need to get my jacket back from you.” Anastasia threw her head into her arms and continued sobbing.

What can you infer happened between them?

They broke up/ ended their relationship.


What is the difference between a central idea and a main idea?

There is NO difference!

What do you do when you Preview a text?

Circle the text features


HAMSTERS FOR SALE: Braxton Pet Store, Northwood Mall: We have a large selection of hamsters for sale this week. They are interesting pets and you will enjoy having one. They are only $ 17.99 this week. Come and buy yours today! 

What is the purpose of this text? (Persuade, Inform, Entertain) 

Persuade you to buy a hamster!

What does CER stand for?

Claim, Evidence, Reason 


Cassie rolled over in her bed as she felt the sunlight hit her face. The beams were warming the back of her neck when she slowly realized that it was a Thursday, and she felt a little too good for a Thursday. Struggling to open her eyes, she looked up at the clock. “9:48,” she shouted, “Holy cow!” Cassie jumped out of bed, threw on the first outfit that she grabbed, brushed her teeth in two swipes, threw her books into her backpack, and then ran out the door.

What can you infer is the problem is Cassie having?

She woke up late for school. 


What is the difference between a central idea and a supporting detail?

Central Idea is what the who text is about. A supporting detail is only a part of the text; it is a fact, example or reason that adds to the central idea.

Give 4 examples of text features?

Title, Pictures, Captions, Graphs, Footnotes, Subtitles, Bold Text, Italics


What is the creator's purpose? (Persuade, Inform, Entertain) 

Persuade you to buy or drink Coca-Cola. 


Use TTQA to answer this question. You may write your response in multiple sentences.

What is one challenge we face with our oceans and how do we solve it? 

One challenge we face is _____ and we can solve it by ____. 

(over fishing, plastic pollution, rising sea levels) 


The invention of and resulting popularity of email has changed our lives in several major ways. Instead of waiting for letters from across the country for days on end, email is delivered to a person’s inbox instantly. Instead of a phone conversation across the world, an email conversation can be saved forever.

What can you infer about the author's perspective on email?

Email is a good invention because it helps us communicate easily.


A fisherman casts his net into the dark churning waves as his boat’s motor chokes and sputters. The sun will be coming up soon. He sips what’s left of his coffee from his dented thermos. The wind is sharp and salty and the cold cuts through his thick jacket and sweater. The boat rocks and the waves splash over the sides. He sets down his thermos; it’s time to pull the net in. He places his hand on the rigging, and before he pulls it in he prays: let it feel heavy. He begins to pull and frowns. It’s empty. Yesterday’s net was empty too. So was the day before. He hasn’t caught more than a dozen tuna all week. The boat belonged to his father. When he was a boy, his father would take him fishing. He loved the smell of the sea and the sting of the salty air. When his father would pull up the net, three dozen tuna would flop and flail about the deck. His father would sell most and use the rest to feed their family. The fish put the clothes on his back and food on his plate. The fish gave the man everything he has. Now, he wonders if he’ll lose everything without the fish. He casts the net back into the sea and steers back towards the harbor. Hopefully he’ll catch a stray tuna on his way back home.

What is the main idea of the paragraph?

a. A fisherman is out fishing when all of a sudden the wind is sharp and he fails. 

b. The journey of a fisherman as he hopes to catch fish.

c. Overfishing has caused a problem in the ocean. 

b. The journey of a fisherman as he hopes to catch fish.


What are the 6 Powerful Ps in order?


Put a Hashtag

Point out key words 

Process of Elimination 

Prove it 

Put it down


The Underground Railroad was a secret organization which helped slaves escape to freedom. Many slaves were able to escape because of the conductors and station masters. The northern states were free states and slaves were free once they arrived in the north. Secret codes and signals were used to identify the conductors and station masters. 

The author included the last sentence of the paragraph to - 

a. Inform you about what The Underground Railroad was. 

b. Persuade you to learn more about slavery in the US. 

c. Inform you on how people who were slaves would communicate to get to safety.

c. Inform you on how people who were slaves would communicate to get to safety.


As the planet gets warmer, sea level rises for two reasons. First, warmer temperatures cause ice on land like glaciers and ice sheets to melt, and the meltwater flows into the ocean to increase sea level. Second, warm water expands and takes up more space than colder water, increasing the volume of water in the sea.

Write the best evidence that supports sea level is rising due to an increase in volume? Make sure you cite it correctly!!

"Second, warm water expands and takes up more space than colder water, increasing the volume of 2 water in the sea." 


The different types of shoes seem endless, but have you ever considered just how many different types of boots there are? Snow boots are used by a wide variety of people to keep their feet warm during the cold winter months…and beyond! Hiking boots enable rugged outdoorsmen and women to travel across rocky and dangerous terrain with more safety and security. The boots often have a thick tread on the bottom to help grip the ground. Rain boots are made of a special rubber that prevents water from soaking through and keeping the wearers feet dry. Skiers and snowboarders have special boots that lock in to their equipment. Cowboys have worn cowboy boots made from cowhide leather for hundreds of years. Originally, the boots were working boots, designed for riding horses without dirtying up a cowboy’s dress shoes. Some women wear tall, fashionable boots that zip up even past their calves. No matter the use for boots, they are heavy-duty shoes that completely cover a person’s foot and ankle. There’s a boot for almost any situation!

Why are rain boots useful during a storm? 

Rain boots are made of a special rubber that prevents water from soaking through and keeping the wearers feet dry.


Read and Write the Central Idea

Email is one of the most common modes of communication in this day and age, but it hasn’t always been that way! The invention of and resulting popularity of email has changed our lives in several major ways. Instead of waiting for letters from across the country for days on end, email is delivered to a person’s inbox instantly. Instead of a phone conversation across the world, an email conversation can be saved forever. For people who care about the Earth, it is important to note that email has changed how much paper is used, and some experts estimate that thousands of trees are saved each DAY through the use of email. Companies can use email to advertise to their customers instead of just advertising on television, on the radio, or in print sources like newspapers and magazines. In an instant, they can send messages of sales and new products to millions of people! Twenty years ago, it was nearly impossible for people to work from home, but nowadays, thousands of adults work from home every day thanks to email and the Internet. There’s no doubt about it; email has changed our lives!

The main idea is about the benefits of email and how it has affected our lives. 


Governments must ensure that fishing communities are not displaced or harmed in our efforts to reduce overfishing. Otherwise, more and more fishers will turn to illegal fishing out of desperation. Helping fishing communities transition to sustainable fishing or aquaculture will help ensure the survival of coastal communities, not only in the United States, but around the world.

What would be the best hashtag for this paragraph?

#Government needs to help fishing communities 


Many people, including men, women, children, and adults, suffer from poor eyesight. Whether eyesight had gradually declined or a person was born with challenging vision, there are several solutions to the pesky problem. Glasses and contacts are options that most people with eyesight trouble have used. Glasses, which use a pair of lenses set in a frame and worn on the face, are commonly used to improve a person’s eyesight. Glasses are easy to wear, but care must be taken to be sure the lenses aren’t broken or cracked. Some wearers complain that glasses cause pain behind their ears. Contact lenses, on the other hand, use much thinner plastic lenses which are placed directly on the eye. Although contacts are a handy solution for someone who does not want to wear glasses each day, they can cause eye irritation, and some people don’t like to put the lenses directly onto their eyeballs. Modern solutions to less-than-stellar eyesight also include laser eye surgery. In some cases, the surgery can repair a person’s eyesight so that it is perfect! Even though poor eyesight can be an inconvenience, there are several options for sufferers. 

What is the purpose of this paragraph? (Persuade, Inform, Entertain)

Inform you about the different ways to help your eyesight. 


Scientists agree that the changes in climate that we are seeing today are largely caused by human activity, and it's climate change that drives sea level rise. Sea level started rising in the late 1800s, soon after we started burning coal, gas and other fossil fuels for energy. When burned, these high-energy fuel sources send carbon dioxide up into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide absorbs heat from the sun and traps it, warming the atmosphere and the planet.

Why is sea level rising and who is responsible? Use evidence from the text. (CER paragraph) 

Claim: Sea level is rising because humans have been burning fossil fuels. 

Evidence: In the text it says "Sea level started rising in the late 1800s, soon after we started burning coal, gas and other fossil fuels for energy."

Reasoning: This shows that because we started burning fossil fuels, the atmosphere started getting hotter and it added to the rise in sea level. 


Many people, including men, women, children, and adults, suffer from poor eyesight. Whether eyesight had gradually declined or a person was born with challenging vision, there are several solutions to the pesky problem. Glasses and contacts are options that most people with eyesight trouble have used. Glasses, which use a pair of lenses set in a frame and worn on the face, are commonly used to improve a person’s eyesight. Glasses are easy to wear, but care must be taken to be sure the lenses aren’t broken or cracked. Some wearers complain that glasses cause pain behind their ears. Contact lenses, on the other hand, use much thinner plastic lenses which are placed directly on the eye. Although contacts are a handy solution for someone who does not want to wear glasses each day, they can cause eye irritation, and some people don’t like to put the lenses directly onto their eyeballs. Modern solutions to less-than-stellar eyesight also include laser eye surgery. In some cases, the surgery can repair a person’s eyesight so that it is perfect! Even though poor eyesight can be an inconvenience, there are several options for sufferers. 

Which solution will be the one you have to work hardest to maintain/ manage? Why?

Glasses because in the text it says "Glasses are easy to wear, but care must be taken to be sure the lenses aren’t broken or cracked." 


Many people, including men, women, children, and adults, suffer from poor eyesight. Whether eyesight had gradually declined or a person was born with challenging vision, there are several solutions to the pesky problem. Glasses and contacts are options that most people with eyesight trouble have used. Glasses, which use a pair of lenses set in a frame and worn on the face, are commonly used to improve a person’s eyesight. Glasses are easy to wear, but care must be taken to be sure the lenses aren’t broken or cracked. Some wearers complain that glasses cause pain behind their ears. Contact lenses, on the other hand, use much thinner plastic lenses which are placed directly on the eye. Although contacts are a handy solution for someone who does not want to wear glasses each day, they can cause eye irritation, and some people don’t like to put the lenses directly onto their eyeballs. Modern solutions to less-than-stellar eyesight also include laser eye surgery. In some cases, the surgery can repair a person’s eyesight so that it is perfect! Even though poor eyesight can be an inconvenience, there are several options for sufferers. 

What is a detail in this paragraph? 

* Acceptable answers: Any information on glasses or contacts

*Not acceptable: There are multiple solutions for people with poor eyesight. 


Which statement best supports the idea that overfishing is a major problem? Use PROCESS OF ELIMINATION!

A. “The boat rocks and the waves splash over the sides. He sets down his thermos.” (1)

B. “Fossil evidence shows that our ancestors from over 500,000 years ago caught and ate freshwater fish.” (2)

C. “Shrimp, salmon, cod, tuna, and many more could become extinct in less than 30 years.” (3)

D. “Fish farms are enclosed areas in shallow ocean or freshwater where fish are spawned for the sole purpose of being eaten.” (7)

C. “Shrimp, salmon, cod, tuna, and many more could become extinct in less than 30 years.” (3)


Governments must ensure that fishing communities are not displaced or harmed in our efforts to reduce overfishing. Otherwise, more and more fishers will turn to illegal fishing out of desperation. Helping fishing communities transition to sustainable fishing or aquaculture will help ensure the survival of coastal communities, not only in the United States, but around the world.

What is the purpose of this paragraph? 

a. persuade the Government to help with overfishing

b. inform about the ways to reduce the overfishing problem.

c. entertain readers with a sad story about the fish being gone from the ocean. 

b. inform about the ways to reduce the overfishing problem.


Governments must ensure that fishing communities are not displaced or harmed in our efforts to reduce overfishing. Otherwise, more and more fishers will turn to illegal fishing out of desperation. Helping fishing communities transition to sustainable fishing or aquaculture will help ensure the survival of coastal communities, not only in the United States, but around the world.

There’s a lot we can do to prevent the disastrous consequences of overfishing. Personal responsibility in the shopping aisles is a great way to start, but the most effective solution to this problem is to pressure our elected officials to take action. Only large-scale global cooperation can ensure the survival of the fish in our seas and life as we know it on land.

What is the best way to help with overfishing on a bigger level? Use evidence from the text. 

Claim: The best way to help with overfishing is by the government to help fishing communities transition to more sustainable ways of fishing. 

Evidence:  "Helping fishing communities transition to sustainable fishing or aquaculture will help ensure the survival of coastal communities, not only in the United States, but around the world." 

Reasoning: This shows that even though people can make individual changes, the government needs to take action to help. 
