Text Organization/Structure
Fiction Text Features
Non-Fiction Text Features and Author's Purpose
Figurative Language
What is the difference between fiction and non-fiction?
Fiction is fake, it is made-up. Non-fiction is real. We learn facts.
Why would an author organize their text with a question and answer?
Authors organize their text with a question and answer to hook the reader in.
If the narrator is outside of the story, what perspective is the story told from?
3rd person
How can we better understand a photograph or illustration?
Captions describe the photograph or illustration for the reader. We should always read the captions.
What is hyperbole? List an example.
Hyperbole is exaggeration. For example, these shoes are killing me.
What is verse? List 2 examples.
Verse is not written in prose, sentences and paragraphs. Poems and dramas are verse.
What does chronological order mean? Why would an author use this structure?
Chronological order means that something is written in time-order. Writing in time-order makes the sequence of events more clear.
If the narrator is part of the story, what perspective is the story told from?
1st person
What text features are helpful in determining the main idea?
The title and subheadings are helpful in determining the main idea.
Compare and contrast a simile and metaphor.
Similes and metaphors both compare unlike things. Metaphors do not use like or as, while similes do use like or as.
What text features do dramas include? Why are these features necessary?
Dramas are scripts. They include a cast of characters, stage directions, and dialogue. There is often usually a set description. The stage directions are important to tell the actor what to do and how to do it. If the drama is being read, not performed, it is important to understand how it would be acted out. The set description sets the scene.
Why would an author organize their text using compare/contrast?
This allows the reader to compare and contrast the new information to something they are already familiar with.
What is the setting?
The setting is the time and place of the story.
What are two text features we can use to help us determine the meaning of unknown words?
Glossaries Footnotes
What is an idiom? List one example.
An idiom is a saying.
Compare and contrast autobiographies and biographies.
Biographies and autobiographies are both non-fiction about one person's life. When an author writes about their own life, this is an autobiography.
Please identify this text structure: When I got home from school after a long boring day, I took out the peanut butter, jelly, and bread. After taking the lid off of the jars, I spread the peanut butter on one side of the bread and the jelly on the other, and then I put the two pieces of bread together. After that, I enjoyed it while watching “Cops” on the TV. I swear, that was the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich I ever ate.
This text is organized in chronological order.
What is a theme?
The theme is the underlying message or lesson of the story.
What text feature would be the most helpful in a text organized in chronological order?
What is personification?
Personification is when we assign human like qualities to non-living things.
What is traditional literature? What are the different types and what components should traditional literature include?
Fables, folktales, fairytales, and myths are stories that have been passed on orally from generation to generation. There are often many different versions of one traditional literature story because they were not written down for many years and there is no clear author. Instead, they are often retold by someone. Traditional literature is a type of fantasy, usually with talking animals. Traditional literature stories always teach you a lesson or moral!
Please list at least 4 text structures we have learned this year.
Cause/Effect Compare/Contrast Problem/Solution Detailed Description Question/Answer Chronological Order
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each perspective (1st, 2nd, 3rd)?
1st Person: We know what the narrator thinks and feels and it helps us to connect with him/her. However, we only know the feelings of one person. 2nd person: The author hooks us in with this perspective. 3rd person: We get a more fair/neutral understanding of the text but we might not connect with the characters as much.
List at least 3 reasons an author might write a non-fiction text.
To inform To persuade To instruct To entertain
What type of figurative language is this? What does it mean? Arguing with her was like dueling with hand grenades.
This is a simile. It compares arguing her to fighting with hand grenades. It is dangerous to try and argue with her.