Microbial Growth
Environmental Conditions
Module 1

Which of the following is not a form of reproduction that prokaryotes can do?

A. Binary fission

B. Budding

C. Sporulation

D. Filamentous

E. None of the above

What is C?


In which stage of the growth curve are bacteria growing the fastest and are the "happiest"?

A. Lag

B. Log

C. Stationary

D. Death

E. Long-term stationary

What is B?

Extra points: describe the other stages


This is the first true antibiotic

What is penicillin

Extra points: who makes it?


True or False?

Microbes can regulate their internal temperature 


Extra points: what can they regulate?


Which of the following is true? Select all that apply:

A. All Gram-positive bacteria can perform sporulation.

B. All living organisms have a cell membrane. 

C. All bacteria have peptidoglycan.

D. All eukaryotes are multicellular.

E. All prokaryotes are unicellular.

What is B and E?


This is the system that helps form the Z ring.

What is the MinCDE system?

Extra points: how does it do this?


You start with 5 bacteria per ml. Its generation time is 30 minutes. You leave this bacteria for 2 hours.

This is how many bacteria are present (per ml) after 2 hours.

What is 80 bacteria?


This is when a drug has a large ratio of the toxic dose to the therapeutic dose

What is a large therapeutic index? 


These are the cardinal growth temperatures.

What is minimum, maximum, and optimum?

For extra points, what is the range between the minimum and maximum temperatures?


Under no replicating conditions, you would expect Streptococcus pyogenes to express: 

A. FtsZ

B. MreB

C. CreS

D. A and B

E. None of the above

What is E?


Which of the following is matched incorrectly?

A. Stalk- allows bacteria to attach to hard surface

B. ParB- binds to parS

C. ParA- polymerizes and attaches to ParB

D. parS- protein that is next to oriC

E. oriC- bound by DNA polymerase and allows replication

What is D?

Extra points: draw this process


In which of the following scenarios will bacteria NOT experience a lag phase?

A. Moving from a medium with lactose to a medium with glucose

B. Moving from a medium with glucose to a medium with lactose

C. Moving from the stationary phase into a fresh medium

D. Moving from the death phase into a fresh medium

E. Moving from a rich to a poor culture

What is A?


Rate the following antimicrobial drugs modes of action from MOST to LEAST selectively toxic:

Inhibitors of cell wall synthesis
Protein synthesis inhibitors
Metabolic antagonists
Nucleic acid synthesis inhibition

What is:

Inhibitors of cell wall synthesis

Metabolic antagonists
Protein synthesis inhibitors
Nucleic acid synthesis inhibition


Which of the following structures is most likely to be found in a hyperthermophile?

A. Bilayer cell membrane

B. More alpha-helix and beta-sheets

C. Unsaturated fatty acids

D. Polar amino acids

E. Histone-like proteins

What is E?


True or false:

Penicillin and cephalosporin are considered true antibiotics because they were made by a eukaryote  

What is true?


These are the roles of pencillin and vancomycin.

What is...

Penicillin- inhibits the attachment of the third amino acid

Vancomycin- inhibits the removal of the terminal amino acid (D-alanine)

For extra points: what type of antibiotic are these?


Which of the following is true? Select all that apply:

A. VBNCs are a form of sporulation.

B. Prokaryotes grow faster than eukaryotes.

C. The GASP phenotype is the phenotype that helps bacteria survive in long-term stationary phase.

D. There is net growth in the stationary phase.

E. The long-term stationary phase is where evolution is seen.

What is B, C, and E?


Which of the following is true about the antibiotic vancomycin? (select all that apply)

A. It would not work on Mycoplasma 

B. It is currently known as "the drug of last resort" 

C. Is made by the fungus Streptomyces

D. It has a b-lactam ring

E. It inhibits the removal of the 5th D-alanine  

What is A and E?


This is the role of superoxide dismutase (SOD).

What is converting superoxide into hydrogen peroxide (and oxygen)?

For extra points: what kind of bacteria does not use SOD?


Penicillin blocks ____ from forming a peptide cross-bridge in gram negatives and ____ from forming peptide cross bridge in gram positives  

What is DAP and lysine?


Which of the following is true? Select all that apply:

A. Bactoprenol brings NAM and NAG from the outside of the cell to the inside.

B. MinCDE forms at the poles of the cell and can be found on both sides simultaneously.

C. E.coli can have FtsZ and MreB.

D. Autolysins are proteins that self-destruct and can help in cellular growth.

E. FtsA is an integral protein. 

What is C, D, and E?


This is how long it takes for 100 bacteria to multiply into 100,000,000 bacteria if the bacteria has a generation time of 30 minutes.

What is about 10 hours?

(9.97 hours)


Which of the following is false?

A. Tetracyclines is a four-ring broad spectrum antibiotic responsible for black teeth

B. Sulfa drugs are a structural analog to folic acid

C. Chloramphenicol was the first broad spectrum antibiotic 

D. Erythromycin is a type of protein synthesis inhibitor

E. Rifamycin is given as a prophylaxis but may cause red sweat and urine  

What is B?

Extra points: what mode of action do these antibiotics fall under?


Which of the following is true? Select all that apply:

A. Compatible solutes are found in bacteria in hypertonic environments.

B. Halobacterium spp. is a bacteria that is an extreme halophile.

C. Most bacteria cannot survive in high pH environments.

D. The optimal temperature of bacteria is closer to the minimum than the maximum temperature.

E. E. coli is a facultative anaerobe that grows better in the absence of oxygen.

What is A and C?



A. is resistant to drugs such as Carbapenem

B. along with other atypical bacteria is susceptible to tetracycline  

C. Requires acid fast staining

D. A and B

E. All of the above

What is D?
