Communication is Key
Developing Strong Minds
Nurturing Me
Being Together
Healthy Food & Safe Homes

A verb that means to teach, train or guide to obey rules or codes of conduct. 

What is Discipline 


Children learn to recognize shapes, colors, alphabet, numbers and problem solving etc.

What is Intellectual Development


This means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical and mental health

What is Self-Care


Skin to skin contact, breast/ or bottle feeding, talking, Bathing, baby wearing and responding to baby’s communication

What is Bonding and Attachment


This is the second leading cause of death among children 

What are guns


This is a minimally effective corrective strategies in the short term and a not at all effective long term

What is Corporal Punishment 


Cerebellum, Brainstem, Midbrain, LimbicSystem, Cortex all have “critical windows” to acquire certain skills.

What is the Brain


The first few weeks after giving birth a new mom’s body begins to heal and adjust to not being pregnant.

What is Postpartum 


A child can do what interests them. Examples include playing at the playground, dress-up, and exploring nature.

What is Unstructured Play


The food we give our children and how we prepare them are all apart of this 

What is Nutrition 


This happens when a toddler experiences big feelings, and in response a parent or caregiver offers emotional/physical comfort and reminds them to take deep breaths

What is a Tantrum 


All children will go through these with certain tasks and accomplishments needing to be met in order to move onto the next stage.

What are Developmental Stages or Milestones


The kind that energizes us to fulfill our dreams, accomplish our goals or complete our daily tasks

What is Good Stress


A child follows direction or rules, such one given by an adult. Examples include games, puzzles, and team activities.

What is Structured Play


To prevent this, do not serve small, sticky, or hard foods that are difficult to chew and easy to swallow

What is choking


Actions such as consequences, parental disappointment, and have a child reflect on behaviors are all examples of this

What is Discipline 


This type of stress impacts a child's brain development causing problems with learning, memorizing, increases stress hormones, and may cause lasting health probelms

What is Toxic Stress


Lasts longer than the “blues” and can include symptoms like difficulty sleeping, feeling of inadequacy, Panic, and scary thoughts about the baby

What is Postpartum Depression


These types of behaviors happen around 6 months of age when children go through the anxiety of not being around their main parent or caregiver.

What it Separation Anxiety 


Place baby on their back, on a firm mattress, without plush toys or blankets, alone in a secured space (i.e. crib or bassinet) 

What is Safe Sleep for Infants


This type of regulation involves coaching and practicing de-escalating strategies when children feel overwhelmed

What is Emotional Regulation 


This is responsible for survival functions such as blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature. It must be fully functional at birth for an infant to survive.

What is the Brainstem


The kind that drains our energy and weighs us down. Can cause headaches, weight issues and HBP

What is Bad Stress


The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that this type of "time" not be given to children under the age of two. 

What is Screen Time


The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends feeding your child this exclusively from birth to 6 months

What is breastfeeding
