God changed Jacob’s name to this, which became the name of his descendants.
What is Israel?
This brother was born first but lost his birthright for a bowl of stew.
Who is Esau?
Jacob worked for Laban for seven years to marry this daughter, only to be deceived into marrying her sister instead.
Who is Leah?
This boy defeated a giant with just a sling and a stone.
Who is David?
On the first day of creation, God created this, separating the day from the night.
What is light?
Jacob had this many sons, who later became the twelve tribes of Israel.
What is twelve?
This woman helped Jacob deceive his father to receive the blessing meant for Esau.
Who is Rebekah?
After being tricked into marrying Leah, Jacob agreed to work another seven years for Laban to marry this woman, whom he truly loved.
Who is Rachel?
This man built a big boat to save his family and animals from a huge flood.
God created this last, and it was made in His image to care for all of creation.
What is mankind?
This was the name of Jacob’s youngest son.
Who is Benjamin?
To deceive his blind father Isaac into thinking he was his brother Esau, Jacob wore this and even mimicked his brother's voice by using this animal's skin.
What are goat skins and Esau's clothes?
Jacob had to flee to this city to be with his uncle Laban.
What is Haran?
This strong man had long hair and defeated enemies, but lost his strength when his hair was cut.
Who is Samson?
On the fourth day of creation, God made these to give light to the earth.
What are the sun, moon, and stars?
Jacob’s wife Leah gave birth to this many sons for him.
What is six?
After stealing Esau’s blessing, Jacob fled to this relative’s house to stay safe.
Who is Laban?
Jacob worked for Laban as a form of payment to marry Rachel.
What is a dowry?
This little girl helped save her people by speaking up to the king, and her name is a book in the Bible.
Who is Esther?
God created these to live in the waters and in the sky, and He called them to multiply.
What are fish and birds?
Jacob’s favorite son was born from this wife, whom he loved the most.
Who is Rachel?
While fleeing from Esau, Jacob had a dream of a ladder reaching to heaven at this place.
What is Bethel?
Jacob fled from Laban’s household without warning, causing Laban to pursue him. However, Laban was stopped by this divine intervention before he could harm Jacob.
What is a warning from God in a dream?
Who was the officer in King Jehoiakim's court that fetched and read the roll given by Jeremiah and Baruch?
Who is Jehudi?
On the third day of creation, God created these, which He commanded to grow and produce fruit.
What are trees and plants?