I'm Going Through Changes (Stages of Change)
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
(Relapse Prevention)
Leggo My Ego
(Coping Skills)
Two Sides to Every Story
Name that Tune
(Songs about Mental Health)

Believes consequences are not serious

What is Pre-contemplation?


What should be in a relapse prevention plan? a. coping skills b. triggers c. high-risk situations d. warning signs e. all of the above 

e. all of the above


Name 3 healthy coping skills.

- Read a Book, Writing/Drawing/Painting, Listening to Music, Spending Time with Friends/Family, Go for a Walk, Deep Breathing, Meditation


What does MICA stand for?

Mental Illness Chemical Abuse


If you stay in this stage or path for two years or more, rallying even through stresses and setbacks, and you’ll reach a point where you can’t really imagine ever going back to the way things were before

What is maintenance?


True or False After 1-2 years of sobriety and working an honest program, self-care can be done once a month.



Which of the coping skills below are unhealthy.

Getting Fresh Air, Talking to a Trusted Friend/Adult, Destroying Property, Exercising, Playing Sports, Taking Feelings Out on Others, Yelling at someone you don't like


Being exposed to an extremely stressful or life threatening situations is called?



You’re in this stage if  You’re implementing your plan. Perhaps you ate your first healthy meal, completed your first round of workouts, or got through your first few days or weeks as a nonsmoker

What is action?


Blank gives you too much time to be with your own thoughts

Isolation or Boredom


Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using healthy coping skills? 

a.) allow us to create better relationships b.) they increase stress  c.)allow us to have a healthy mind and body d.) all the above


Using healthy coping skills allows us to reduce stress!!!


This is a symptom in which a person my replay the traumatic event.



you're actively gathering information, support, maybe even gear and supplies — and feel nearly ready to take your first steps. You’re feeling motivated to learn the skills that will help you be successful in making this change.

What is preparation?


What might be a threat to my relapse prevention? a. Living with  family. b. Hanging out with old friends. c. Having a support system. d. Attending self-help meetings. e. All of the above.

b- Hanging out with old friends.


True or False: Coping skills are used to avoid problems in our lives.

FALSE! Coping skills help us work through our problems and emotions. You do not want to avoid these! Avoiding is considered an unhealthy coping skill.


Which of the following is not a symptom of depression?

A. diminished interest in activities

B. changes in sleep pattern

C. unusual increase in energy level

D. change in appetite.

C. unusual increase in energy level

C. unusual increase in energy level


Create a short story using the Five Stages of Change

Use Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, and Maintenance 


To maintain your sobriety, you need to be able to recognize and identify this

Your own Triggers


Describe mindfulness. Can you name one Mindfulness Technique?

Mindfulness is when you center yourself in the present moment. It can be done through meditation, relaxation exercises, or just simply slowing down and taking notice of things that are currently around you. 


Depression may be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Biochemists suggest that it is particularly an imbalance in chemical.

Hint: this brain chemical begins with the letter S 

